
OpenSiteAdmin / News: Recent posts

The documentation is here!

Although my definition of "soon" seems to be somewhat longer than normal, bugfixes, documentation, installation instructions, templates, and organized class files have all made it into the new release - 0.9.7!! I am very interested to hear any and all feedback!

Posted by John 2008-08-05

Coming soon...

A new release is coming within the next week or two that will feature a completely restructured form model that will lighten the code and make things more extensible and maintainable, and also minimize the overhead necessary to implement the framework. Keep an eye out for the 0.9.3!

Posted by John 2008-05-31

OpenSiteAdmin 0.9.1 Released

OpenSiteAdmin 0.9.1 has been released! This version is feature complete and, unless bugs are found, this will be the final code base for version 1.0.
Unfortunately, templates, official sample pages, and install instructions are still missing, but there is now a database dump for a database OpenSiteAdmin. Sample implementations can still be found in the OpenSiteAdmin/pages/ directory. Official setup material is coming very soon!

Posted by John 2008-01-20

OpenSiteAdmin version 0.9 (beta) released

The first version, 0.9 (beta), of OpenSiteAdmin has been released! I am looking forward to getting feedback on the project and watching its growth in the coming years!

Posted by John 2008-01-05