
#12 Student: Unable to add a student without setting a Birthday

Students (13)
Raymond Val

Unless the birthdate field is hidden, the "Add User" feature will always require that a birthday is set, even if the "required" field is set to NO in the birthdate configuration. The error that is always given is "Enter a valid Date". It will not allow the user to be added without a birthdate.


  • os4ed developers

    The system needs these mandatory fields to calculate and report student progression. it is very often a mandatory field for K-12 environments when reporting to federal, state and local agencies here in the US. not sure we should allow this to be set as optional. we are moving this and the other "Dynamic" fields created by default into hard code. at that time we will revisit the "switch" for optional use.

  • Raymond Val

    Raymond Val - 2009-08-17

    How about making it default to the current date then if the "optional" field is set to no?

    I ask because, like a lot of high schools, some students help out in the office. They generally do a lot of the "grunt" work, which would include adding the students to openSIS. However, the rules here consider Birthdates to be Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and a student is not allowed to have access to this information. So the idea student would enter all of the info and just have the birthdate default to "todays" date and an admin would late update the birthday to the correct day.


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