
OpenSIPS 2.1.0dev

The development branch moved from 1.12 to 2.1 - we are heavily working on importing into OpenSIPS improvements related to the New Design from the OpenSIPS Experimental Code.

As a result, we have a first development version which is consistent as stable (as much as a devel code can be :D ) - we have OpenSIPS 2.1.0 . This tag covers:
- I/O async reactor per process (for each SIP worker)
- integrate the reactor with the UDP and TCP reading
- timer jobs dispatched/balanced across the SIP worker procs (instead of be all executed in dedicated procs)

Next steps (2.1.1dev) :
- per process I/O async ops (an async I/O op starting and ending in the same process)
- running I/O async ops at script level

To 2.1.0 is just a milestone on the path of the next major stable release - 2.1.0 is a tag on the devel branch, pointing to consistent and working/stable development code - it is NOT a stable release.

To directly use 2.1.0, see the 2.1.0 tag :
git clone -b 2.1.0

Please give it a try and report back

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2014-10-14