
need help for sip dialog in opensips

  • shiva chaitanya

    shiva chaitanya - 2011-03-17

    Hello friends,
    i need some help for configuration opensips.cfg for sip dialog (for invite to bye)in stateless mode .i am able to get 100 trying response from opensips but not 180 trying from Uas.i am using sipp as clients and running opensips on same machine with different port numbers (UAC:5061,opensips:5060, UaS:5063).So could please give any suggestion regarding these

  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-18


    You need to give more information. Is there any error in opensips log? Do you call validate_dialog? You can also increase the debug level to 6 ( debug=6) and look in the logs.


  • shiva chaitanya

    shiva chaitanya - 2011-03-21

    Hello Anca,
    Thanks for replying , My above problem had been solved.But another problem had started that  i am doing the communication between UaC…….>opensips……>UaS.I am using  sipp for clients and my UaC is able to genterate invite to bye but not able  to recieve 200 ACK from opensips . I had used wireshark  at opensips server it says "404 is not here "error msg.all the calls are failed.Please give me any solution.
    with regards,

  • Anca Vamanu

    Anca Vamanu - 2011-03-21

    Hi Shiva,

    You receive 404 for ACK? This means that either your sipp scenario of opensips config is not right. You should not call lookup(location) for ACK, but only loose_route and t_relay. And the ACK you build with sipp must have in RURI the contact in the 200OK it has received.


  • shiva chaitanya

    shiva chaitanya - 2011-03-23

    Hello Anca,
    The above problem had been cleared. But a new error had came that is dead calls "Aborted at index 6".My UaC is able to send all the messages but not able to receive 200 and on the other hand of UaS is sending the message from invite to 200 but not able to receiving ACK .i had checked in wireshark and i had used wire-shark on opensips sever point.i had seen UaC is sending ACK to the opensips and opensips is not sending to UaS. I don't understand it  and i had check the opensips.cfg, it has no error while entering the command opensips -c.. can you give me your email  id such that i can get reply for it as early as possible.Please help me on this error.
    with regards,