
OpenSHORE Cobol Parser 1.0 Released

The OpenSHORE project has just released the OpenSHORE Cobol Parser 1.0. This parser transforms Cobol source files into XML files with semantic markup. You can import these XML files in an OpenSHORE server instance or other semantic web tools and analyze them. The OpenSHORE server presents the Cobol source file in a web browser with syntax highlighting and marks every 'COPY', 'CALL', 'PERFORM', 'GO TO' relation and every definition as hyperlink, which jumps to the relation target or shows up all relations as hyperlinks. The parser comes with a set of standard OpenSHORE Prolog queries and graph creation reports.

The OpenSHORE Cobol Parser is intended for the reverse- or reengineering of large Cobol systems (> 500 source files). It provides in combination with an OpenSHORE server every team member a very easy and comfortable way to access, browse and query the Cobol source code in a web browser. So there is no need to give all team members a mainframe login or install on every workstation a Cobol development environment. Redocumentation projects can use the OpenSHORE SMRL Metaparser to check and link new documentation in office formats (MS Word, OpenOffice, Docbook) against/with source files.

OpenSHORE is an XML based 'Semantic Document Repository' (SDR) with a free definable meta model that builds up a semantic network from sections and relations in documents (text/office documents, database extracts, design models, source files). Relations are completed by a state machine on the server, so analyzer tools (parsers) needs no server access and can work simultaneously on different documents. The acronym SHORE means 'Semantic Hypertext Object Repository'.

Please follow these links for downloads, further information and feedback:

* Download

* Release notes

* OpenSHORE mailing list for feedback and discussions

list openshore-devel

* Bug tracking

category "Cobol Parser"

* Patch queue

category "Cobol Parser"

Posted by Helge Schulz 2009-03-20

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