
GroupSuite / News: Recent posts

OpenShare Point Joins Trilex Labs

Trilex Labs help
OSP by hosting it plus developing it more and
getting it closer to OSP0.5 plus in future the extend the project. Thank you for Mat and Trilex development team to continue this project and pull it back to alive.

Posted by RedLine Software 2009-03-22

What 's OSP going on 2006?

Yes, Many people ask like that! I had discussed with project owner -Mr. Chalothorn- it's not belongs me but he want me to plan a new release of OSP and develop in it way :

1. OSP should goto more reliability groupware.
2. It should provide documents/instructions to develop new module in easy way.
3. Refine old development model.
4. Provide more and more support.

Posted by tsutada tanaka 2005-12-20

Lang-Japanese 1.0 Released

Japanese language pack was released

lang-japanese 1.0

Posted by RedLine Software 2005-07-31

OSP04X : New Blocks!

block-Appointment help you to feed your appointment data and show on frontpage and block-Calendar show current month with appointment mark! you can download at : )

Posted by RedLine Software 2005-03-04

OSP04X : Swedish Language Pack

Swedish Language Pack from Jerzy Broel-Plater <> download this language pack form OSP file release <>

Posted by RedLine Software 2005-02-28

OSP04X : Nightly Version

You can test & download OSP04x source code at CVS server (

Posted by RedLine Software 2004-10-04

OSP04 : Demo Server!!

This is a demo server for test OSP04 : , i was upload a demo module like Document Library and Contact List and another modules 'll update soon.

Posted by RedLine Software 2004-02-01

OSP04 : New OSP04 Application Model!

I design a new OSP04 model, that should be a CMS and GroupWare (someone calling that),yeah it should be... but i didn't understand that why OSP like groupware and it should be a groupware,so i 've changed it, changed everything eg.: DB Connection , API and more feature (request) like document library permission, document search, user groups setting, contact group and more... (it also multi-langauge support ) now i have very best tranlators to Spain, English and Thai language thank you for all people who interested in this project! and thank you for all comment.

Posted by RedLine Software 2004-01-25

OSP04 'll release soon...

OpenSharePoint 0.4a should release at last year 2003 but some developers want to change features and some API eg: Multi-Language, Portable to another DBMS etc. so OSP04 'll release soon, thank you for interested.

Posted by RedLine Software 2004-01-21

Download : OpenSharePoint Team Service Version 0.3alpha

Download -> OpenSharePoint Team Service Version 0.3alpha at file section

Posted by RedLine Software 2003-04-29