
#111 tm: Timeout between 100 and 180/183 Messages

ver devel
modules (93)

In TM Module fr_timer hits if no final reply for a request or ACK for a negative INVITE reply arrives, and fr_inv_time hits if no final reply for an INVITE arrives after a provisional message was received, but there is no parameter to control timeout between 100 Trying and 180/183 messages.

When you are using OpenSER in conjunction with OSP to obtain routes, there is no way to control how long takes the current carrier to send a call proceeding (180/183) message, and then you cannot try next route if the carrier doesn’t have a timeout set in his side.

This could be the equivalent to H323 call-proceeding timeout parameter used on Cisco Gateways.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    why can't you set fr_timer_avp to a short value and then ignore failure
    if you have already received 183 reply?

    -- juha

  • Henning Westerholt

    • milestone: --> ver devel
    • summary: Timeout between 100 and 180/183 Messages --> tm: Timeout between 100 and 180/183 Messages
  • Henning Westerholt

    Hi Dioris,

    any comments to the question from Juha? Did you tried the suggested approach?




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