On Ubuntu12.10 64bit with openjdk7u9 and OSS1.4beta3.
Following settup:
1.Index -> Template Webcrawl -> Crawler -> Pattern List:
Give it a crawl(run once)
Query -> Select Search(left mouse click) -> Use "New Copied Query" with name "search_panel2" -> Edit "search_panel2" -> Filters -> look at document(inline help):
-> use
and add it
-> press search and see nothing.
4.The last is the problem.
As you can see I have just created a filter for one of the Url from pattern list.
Regarding to your documentation(cited above) this should give back after search excatly the result of the pattern.
It does not do this.
There is a error in the documentation.
From the OpenSearchServer interface "Query/Filters" you dont need to add the "fq" parameter.
This will be added automatically.
Add the url:"http://cytoscape-publications.tumblr.com/" in the filter.
And try the search it should work as expected.
The documentation has also been updated.
just teste. That works.
Many thanks Naveen.
(Is this with fq=color:red still correct in the documentation?)
This ticket can be closed.
I have updated the documentation for better understanding.
Thank you for notifying.