Activity for OpenSearchServer Search Engine

  • Charles Kearney Charles Kearney posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am having problems getting the search to return results that match a portion of the name of the files. For instance, if I search for "book" and there are files with blackbooks in the name nothing is returned. It seems to require an exact match for any results to be returned. Some of the searches are on terms or measurement etc. Is there a way to get the partial matches to return as well?

  • Georg Gerber Georg Gerber modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Georg Gerber Georg Gerber modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

  • Georg Gerber Georg Gerber posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have a problem, while I see the opposite: See I do not index a web site but files within my local filesystem. If I remove a file, it still remains within the index.

  • Georg Gerber Georg Gerber posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Why this post appears here? - it is the answer for

  • Georg Gerber Georg Gerber posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have a problem, while I see the opposite: See I do not index a web site but files within my local filesystem. If I remove a file, it still remains within the index.

  • Georg Gerber Georg Gerber posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I made the following experiment: creating 10 text files with a simple content within filesystem creating an index on this directory by the oss web ui run crawler creating a new file and deleting another file on the filesystem run crawler once more result: The new file is indexed, the old one still can be found by a query. question: how I get such files to be deleted automaticly ?

  • Christian Rice Christian Rice posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, this is a problem. The software was great, but unfortunately the support was poor I had some questions for my site Tier List of Destiny Child but I didn't get any answers

  • Martin Link Martin Link posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have the following problem. We use the OpenSearchServer to index our Intranet. People were making links to files like pdf and doc .... This files were indexed. After some while the link to the file were deleted on the intranet site, but nobody was deleting the file. Now the file still can be found. What can I do, that Opensearchserver is recognizing, that for that document there no more link on the website and deletes the file from beeing indexed? Hopefully somebody can give me a hint. I already...

  • Kiran Gupta Kiran Gupta posted a comment on discussion Help

    How to remove javascript tags in HTML parser indexing process. My html pages contains JS code. I dont want to index them or i want to strip of certain html tags like javascript while indexing

  • Trần Minh Tiến Trần Minh Tiến modified a comment on discussion Help

    Dear all, I using file local searching and use default renderer to search file. but It always return null. Any solution for searching file? my default renderer setting attached Thanks for any help.

  • Trần Minh Tiến Trần Minh Tiến modified a comment on discussion Help

    Dear all, I using file local searching and use default renderer to search file. but It always return null. Any solution for searching file? my default renderer: Thanks for any help.

  • Trần Minh Tiến Trần Minh Tiến posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear all, I using file local searching and use default renderer to search file. but It always return null. Any solution for searching file? my default renderer: Thanks for any help.

  • Terry Carmen Terry Carmen posted a comment on discussion Help

    The install fails. Any suggestions? Thanks, Terry output: [root@dev ~]# rpm -i opensearchserver-1.5.14-d0d167e.rpm error: Failed dependencies: java >= 1.7.0 is needed by opensearchserver-1.5.14-1.noarch [root@dev ~]# yum list installed |grep -i java java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1: @updates java-latest-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1: @updates javapackages-tools.noarch 5.0.0-14.fc28 @updates tzdata-java.noarch 2019a-1.fc28 @updates [root@dev ~]# java -version...

  • Efren Efren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, OpenSearchServer v1.6: I tried to query with this body and no way to make filters works, see error below. ¿Do I miss something? { "query": "tadano", "start": 0, "rows": 10, "operator": "AND", "sorts": [ { "field":"fileSystemDate", "direction":"DESC", "empty":"last" } ], "filters": { "type": "QueryFilter", "negative": false, "query": "fileType:directory" } } Could not resolve type id 'type' as a subtype of [simple type, class$Filter]:...

  • Efren Efren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Upgrade to v1.6 and REST API v2 works ok.

  • Vamsi Vamsi posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi is it possible to run query like below(kw = Keyword) (kw1 OR kw2 OR kw3) AND (kw4 OR ("kw5 kw6"~5)) with out having any predefined query template?

  • Efren Efren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi there, I general, REST API v2 commands raise me the previous exception I tested the API v1 and works well Any idea? Also I read here that version 2.0 will release soon, is there a release date? Thanks in advanced

  • Efren Efren posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Box: OpenSearchServer v1.5.14 - build d0d167ef10 on Ubuntu. I'm trying to retrieve the autocomplete list through the API as manual say but there is no way it works, the error below. The url : http://localhost:8080/services/rest/index/PH/autocompletion/autocomplete?prefix=tb Also I created an user called administrator which is admin user and also can monitor and the url http://localhost:8080/services/rest/index/PH/autocompletion/autocomplete?prefix=tb&login=administrator&key=e2299b1a8fcf2411e01642fcb71affb0...

  • dur dub dur dub posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm having issues with OSS not crawling contents of xml files without xml extension and with filenames with.n or .nnn and so on. How to force OSS to read contents of files in this scenario. Thanks.

  • Nyle Davis Nyle Davis posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Emmanuel, Do you have a Debian/Ubuntu ".deb" release? Cheers! TBNK

  • randome randome posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hey Motte, thx for your fast Answer! ;-) Unfortunately not that easy that I simply could modify the Query Schema in OSS itself - it's implemented in a Web Search - not knowing which word's the User want's to exclude (,19085,type,search.html?query=TERMA+-TERMXX) So I guess I need to manually parse all Terms with "- Sign" in Front and hand it over to OSS API als negative Filter?!?! Now yet checked if/how this is possible ... was hoping I could...

  • Motte Denis Motte Denis posted a comment on discussion Help

    add a filter on the query , Add "TERMXXX" and choose negativ and type "TERMA" in the query field

  • randome randome modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, using: OpenSearchServer v1.5.15-SNAPSHOT - build b9cf469230 Tying to negate some Search Terms. Example: Search for TERMA - nut exclude Hits with TERMXX ... In Google: "TERMA -TERMXXX" When I try it in OSS - the Query looks like: (+title:terma^10.0 +title:termxxx^10.0) title:"terma termxxx"~2^10.0 (+titleExact:terma^10.0 +titleExact:termxxx^10.0) titleExact:"terma termxxx"~2^10.0 (+(titlePhonetic:terma^10.0 titlePhonetic:termi^10.0) +(titlePhonetic:termgsksks^10.0 titlePhonetic:termkS^10.0...

  • randome randome posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, using: OpenSearchServer v1.5.15-SNAPSHOT - build b9cf469230 Tying to negate some Search Terms. Example: Search for TERMA - nut exclude Hits with TERMXX ... In Google: "TERMA -TERMXXX" When I try it in OSS - the Query looks like: (+title:terma^10.0 +title:termxxx^10.0) title:"terma termxxx"~2^10.0 (+titleExact:terma^10.0 +titleExact:termxxx^10.0) titleExact:"terma termxxx"~2^10.0 (+(titlePhonetic:terma^10.0 titlePhonetic:termi^10.0) +(titlePhonetic:termgsksks^10.0 titlePhonetic:termkS^10.0...

  • Kostas Pastrikos Kostas Pastrikos posted a comment on ticket #297

    Im looking forward for this update.

  • Kostas Pastrikos Kostas Pastrikos posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to update proxy setting via api? I cant find an appropriate endpoint for this.

  • Chris Tsongas Chris Tsongas posted a comment on discussion Help

    Some URL's are coming up as just a number link (I think they are the date they were indexed). For example in the search results: MSP430 Ultra-Low-Power MCUs | Applications | Microcontrollers (MCU) | MSP based energy-measurement products are designed to meet or exceed ANSI C12.20 and IEC 62053 accuracy standards for smart electric meters across the entire temperature range... 20181006145107 Hybrid/Electric Vehicles and Power Train Systems | Reference designs | Nominal phase current measurement...

  • Nathan Nathan posted a comment on ticket #279

    Hi Emmanuel, I'm looking to acomplish the same thing only I am using the 'File' crawler. When crawling using 'File' files that no longer exist are still being returned in search results. Is there a "Synchronize the selected URLs with the index" or "Propagate deletion" option when using this method?

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [5024f1]

    Fix dependencies conflicts

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [bd4ebd]

    Update dependencies. Add jdk10 build on travis

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [462b9e]

    Restore account view

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [401ae9]

    Fix NEP on AccountTransaction.<init>(

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [308431]

    Add account overview

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [f23116]

    Upgrade Bootstrap to 4.1.3

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [666bcb]

    Display optional limits (crawl and indexes)

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [dad928]

    Remove signin warning message

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [a960ba]

    Create account allow setting UUID

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [0368c5]

    Fix typo in valid name check

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [d81a49]

    Add implementation info in the home page

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [9e08ba]

    Support of missing schema and missing index on Crawl view

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [b7aa48]

    Fix typos

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [6f67c3]

    Support WebApplicationException on account retrieval

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [fa5752]

    Fix findbugs

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [e42f57]

    Add index and records limit

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [d811e3]

    Add swagger ui

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [1090ee]

    Add link to the admin webservice

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [fceb36]

    Use standalone template for swagger-ui

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [04e362]

    Fix URI redirection issue

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [f47764]

    Add admin web service

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [8387c4]

    Prepare SSO user authentication

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [2fdca1]

    Implements JWT signin

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [86d427]

    Fix main-class

  • Joseph Maier Joseph Maier posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello forum I am new to Open Search Server and would like to index some files (e.g. txt, PDF's) stored on the local harddisk. In order to be able to enter/type search terms, i am looking for the serach-gui for the end-user(e.g. Question: Am i doing something wrong, or is such a serach-gui not available out-of the box? Thank you very much for your feedback! Joe

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [70cca4]

    qwazr lib uses camelcase on IndexStatus

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [f7ea9c]

    Paging uses javascript

  • Joseph Maier Joseph Maier posted a comment on discussion Help

    The boss himself promised us to integrate this feature in v1.3. I don't know if it has to be turned on or if it's enabled by default. It took me to long to set up a working test environment, so we stopped to evaluate OSS. Joe

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [ab180a]

    Fix redirection issue

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [cb15f4]

    Update plugins

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [74af2b]

    Update libraries

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [54dc92]

    Improving crawling. Fixes few code smells.

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [64c929]

    Update server test with last boostrap 4.1.1

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [0c99a3]

    Upgrade qwazr to 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [7c3bcc]

    Fix server test (bootstrap upgrade)

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [e6d253]

    Add view template example

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [0c9825]

    Add template form and result

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [6970c3]

    Add filter on crawls

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [148249]

    Add option "DeleteOlderCrawl"

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [9de308]

    Wip on storeservice async collection

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [00955f]

    Fix update issue on crawl

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [931843]

    Remove unused log configurations

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [656a7e]

    Fixes wrong default value in WebCrawlRecord (deleteOlderCrawl)

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [8cba60]

    Add template editor

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [158a0f]

    Fixes NPE

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [f5e072]

    Fix remote store access

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [4ec33a]

    Add full integration view

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [72ca1c]

    Enable accesslogs by default

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [2b0d31]

    Add support of opengraph protocole (for articles)

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [5fd5f9]

    Enable both semantic extractor

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [fea129]

    Improve crawling workflow

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [803e40]

    Store start,rows and filter in session

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [58a355]

    Use generic getProcess API

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [23c5bb]

    Rename property

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [213e4c]

    Split search page in to templates (form and result)

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [4debad]

    Improve logging

  • Adeel Irfan Adeel Irfan posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    how can i Crawl only new added urls of the all the websites added in pattern list using opensearchserver crawler.

  • Adeel Irfan Adeel Irfan posted a comment on discussion Help

    how can i Crawl only new added urls of the all the websites added in pattern list using opensearchserver crawler.

  • Adeel Irfan Adeel Irfan posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10 This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

  • Adeel Irfan Adeel Irfan posted a comment on discussion Help

    how can i crawl only new urls from Opensearchserver ? Is there any way to do that ?

  • Jonathan E. Brickman Jonathan E. Brickman posted a comment on discussion Help

    OSS looks like just what is needed -- if a simple search page can be produced for end users. The indexing is to be by SMB on the LAN, only, and the results will have to show as UNC paths. Anyone got some sample code or suggestions as to where I should look? J.E.B.

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [5b3f24]

    Improve default inclusion pattern

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [6618cd]

    Add paging and task execution planning view

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [072c6c]

    Add task info

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [869f84]

    Add support of inclusion and exclusion

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [d0b7f1]

    Use MultiValueLongFieldSource (newsSearch)

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [608da4]

    Improve news search

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [f53dbf]

    Add task executions list API

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [2524ed]

    Shade as second artifact

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [684750]

    Add paging on account part

  • Emmanuel Keller committed [5306b5]

    Split artifacts

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