
Anonymous Erik van Ingen Dario Fabbri



OpenSDMX is in the phase of re-positioning itself. We do not have the funds nor manpower to come up with a full-blown SDMX implementation. OpenSDMX was the first real open source software project for SDMX. Then SdmxSource was released, a full-blown open source SDMX implementation. We decided to position OpenSDMX as an extension of SdmxSource. An important component in OpenSDMX is the Olap4J adapter.


OpenSDMX aims to improve the quality of statistical data products for everyone by:
* moving away from CSV and Excel
* standardizing and harmonizing meta data
* adopting SDMX
* making SDMX fast by pushing JSON in the SDMX community
* making SDMX simple by pushing SDMX Lite in the SDMX community
* making SDMX accessible through tools like Excel, R, MATLAB, SAS, SPSS, STATA and GAMS


With OpenSDMX, a world where data freely flow comes a step closer:
* user can understand where data come from, and what quality they are
* where users can trust that data can be compared;
* products are supported by Open Standards
* data can move freely in and out of data repositories, analytical software and reporting tools

We are moving and not there yet, please join!


We are still a bit slow on implementing SDMX 2.1 because the client need is not very high yet.

We are very excited about GapMinder and are looking for funds to for integration with SDMX.

With the Bank of Italy we are looking of integration of SDMX with R, SAS, Excel and Matlab.

We are pretty excited about the fact that OpenSDMX will be used for the data.fao.org/sdmx. Massive amounts of SDMX data will be shipped here through OpenSDMX. First release will be 21th of June 2012!

OpenSDMX will participate in the SDMX-JSON meeting, June 2012. JSON fits perfectly in our vision of SDMX Lite, bringing SDMX datasets to every researcher in a Lite and user friendly way.

OpenSDMX people will also contribute to a new open source project currently called the CodelistManager. Codelists are crucial in a statistical data infrastructure. The model used will supercede SDMX and therefore by definition be compatible with SDMX. Contact us if you would like to participate.

OpenSDMX communication channels

Go to the OpenSDMX wiki to learn more about the communication channels of OpenSDMX and about OpenSDMX itself.


OpenSDMX is an open source software project for SDMX. OpenSDMX provides components which can be used in every context where SDMX is implemented. The OpenSDMX webservice component produces SDMX data and metadata in a REST full way. Anyone is welcome to use this project or contribute to it. For questions, go to our Discussion Forum.

What does OpenSDMX offer you?

At application level OpenSDMX offers a webapplication with a SDMX 2.1 REST interface (message formats are SDMX 2.0). There are libraries available which can be used in any context where SDMX is needed. For integration with your own data you need to write your own adapter.
OpenSDMX webapplications can be deployed in an application server like Tomcat. The UI currently consists of a few simple html pages which you might want to replace with your own.

What is the status of the software?

We started with the SDMX artifacts which we considered the most important. The Registry interface is implemented for DataStructure (also called DSD or KeyFamily), ConceptScheme, Codelist and HierarchicalCodelist. The Repository interface is implemented for GenericData. Interfaces for CompactSchema and CompactData are in progress. OpenSDMX is proven to be production ready. Upgrading of your dependent software to a newer version of OpenSDMX takes little time, as we have experienced by ourself and we can assist if needed.

OpenSDMX Characteristics

OpenSDMX aims to keep SDMX implementations simple. SDMX by itself is rich and tends to be verbose. OpenSDMX focusses on the most valuable artifacts of SDMX. The configuration of OpenSDMX has a simplified model of SDMX. OpenSDMX users can extend or replace this configuration model. OpenSDMX is extremely modular. There where you don't like the OpenSDMX interpretation of SDMX, you can replace it with your own. The OpenSDMX configuration model gives you a good idea of the capabilities and limitations of OpenSDMX. OpenSDMX can be configured with advanced caching with a few lines in your configuration files.

What's in a name?

OpenSDMX is the name for the collection of SDMX java artifacts developed in this project. The only application (web) is at the moment the opensdmx-web, which offers a REST interface. OpenSDMX is divided in the registry for metadata and the repository for the data. Sometimes we use the term publisher to refer to the registry and repository.


For questions, go to our Discussion Forum.
Feel free to ask for a skype meeting, we can always plan for an hour to chat and answer your questions about SDMX and OpenSDMX.

Subversion (SVN)

The source code itself can be found in Subversion (SVN):
http://svn.code.sf.net/p/opensdmx/svn (readonly)
https://svn.code.sf.net/p/opensdmx/svn (for committers)

-- most dangerous people are experts without data --