
Closed: P11073-10701 Comments  Maximize  Restore

Ticket resolution guidance

  1. After a ticket has been submitted to SourceForge, an administrator takes care of assigning a ticket owner and setting the the ticket status to open.
  2. The ticket owner is in responsibility to decide - preferably together with working group members - if the ticket is to be accepted or wont-fix. "Won't fix" immediately closes the ticket without any further subsequent activities required. The ticket owner should leave a reason why the ticket has been rejected.
  3. If accepted, the owner has to take care of any changes in the source document. Once the changes have been applied, the ticket owner is supposed to change the status to closed and leave a comment comprising the actual changes. The milestone of the ticket shall match the revision of the draft on which the changes have been applied.

See the templates below for final comments on closed and rejected tickets.

Template for finished tickets

# Actual change


Template for rejected tickets

# Rationale for rejection


No open tickets found.