WS-Addressing Metadata (WS-AM) is referenced normatively within MDPWS. It facilitates devices to add action attributes to input and output messages in their WSDLs in order to require WS-Addressing action headers being added to incoming and outgoing SOAP messages. If there is no action attribute present in the WSDL, a defaulting algorithm applies:
To unburden clients from parsing the WSDL and look for WS-AM action attributes we should prevent devices from adding the action attribute and instead rely on the defaulting algorithm.
RXXX: A SERVICE PROVIDER SHALL NOT provide WSDL documents that contain WS-AM action attributes.
(or similar)
To increase interoperability with Web Service frameworks, I suggest to prescribe all SOAP HTTP binding soapAction attributes within the WSDL to be setteled with corresponding port type input defaulted actions.
Last edit: David 2018-09-24