
OpenRPG 0.8.5a Released!

I'm very happy to announce the released of OpenRPG 0.8.5a. You can find it at its usually location. For me, 0.8.5a marks a turning point in OpenRPG's development. Never before has there been so much code contributed from developers other than myself. The OpenRPG project really has moved from a one man operation to a team project. So a special thanks to Andrew Bennett, Christopher Rouse, Lex Berezhny, Jesse McConnell, and Dragonstar.
The number of bug fixes and new features is quite substantial, but here is a brief list: word auto-complete, auto-reconnect, improved map, player status, live name change, improved whisper, improved windows, improved game tree, and a ton more character sheets.



Posted by chris davis 2001-04-27

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