
Problem & solution making openrm under Linux

  • SomeGuyInNewton

    SomeGuyInNewton - 2007-09-14

    I recently downloaded & built openrm-devel-1.6.0-2.  I had used openrm on a consulting project years ago and liked it.  There is a bug in the make.cfg script that messes up building uner linux.

    First off, the makefiles expect X11 headers in /usr/X11R6/include -- that is true on my fedora-core-2 system, but not on fedora core 6.  On FC6, the X11 headers are in /usr/include/X11, though /usr/X11R6/ exists.  Rather than modify the makefile, I chose to make an 'include' dir under /usr/X11R6/ and put a softlink there called 'X11' pointing to /usr/include/X11.

    Next, I needed to modify rm160/make.cfg
      line 184 (in target block beginning "linux:") has a typo:
        "GLINC = -I/usr/include"\  should be  "GLINC = -I/usr/include" \   i.e. there needs to be a space before the final backslash.
      Similarly line 199 (in block beginning "linux:") has same typo:
      should be:  "GLINC =  " \   In fact, all the linux targets seem to have it...

    • SomeGuyInNewton

      SomeGuyInNewton - 2007-09-14

      Oops! the parenthetical phrase about line 199 should read 'in block beginning "linux-debug"'


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