
OpenRDS 1.1-beta released

OpenRDS is a framework written in Java/RMI conceived for making requisition-based distributed systems (clustering) easy to develop/manage. It's design emphasizes robustness, simplicity and scalability.

Changes from version 1.0-beta

* User guide documentation has been finally released with this version.
* Improved load-balance algorithm for requisitions without any factor.

Bug fixes:
* [1558043] - Process node takes a long time to reconect after crash.
* [1562880] - Node does not connect when IPv6 is enabled.
* [1570257] - Dynamic class download: missing class results in error.

New features:
* [1558061] - Allow listeners to be added before registering node.
* [1552054] - Implement automatic detection of clock and memory on linux.
* [1552050] - Implement better generic process node.
* [1552052] - Add support for automatic updates.

API Changes:
* Added class "" which holds version information on runtime.
* Added class "" which is part of feature #[1552050].
* Added class "net.sf.openrds.Requisition" (turned public).
* Added method "NodeFactory.createProcessNode()", which is part of feature #[1558061].
* Added method "NodeFactory.startMainNode()" without any parameter.
* Added method "RegistryHandler.getInetAddress()", to retrieve the interface OpenRDS is using.

Posted by Rodrigo Rosauro 2006-10-04

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