
Where to go from here?

  • Chris Shaffer

    Chris Shaffer - 2002-04-04

    Okay, as I said in some eariler posts, I have been truely swamped over the past two and a half weeks with requests for information about the project.  First of all, I would like to thank everyone for there interest in the project.  I think we've got an original idea, and judging by the responce I've gotten, the open source community is behind this project.  Secondly, lets get started.  In the job postings, I said that I'd like to have released a "preview edition" in six months, and I still think that is do-able. 

    I've started a developers mailing list, and I encourage everyone to join:

    Maybe the discussions will go a little smoother on the mailing list rather than the forums.

    Where to start?  As some of you may have noticed from my behavior, this is the first active project that I've admin'd, so I'll probebly screw up, alot ;-).  Where should we go from here?  We've got a good base of programmers (12, by my count), and a lot of tasks to accomplish.  I've divided the project up into these major catagories:

    - Transaction processing
    - Returns processing
    - Recepit printing
    - Inventory managment (backend database)
    - Sales reports
    - Variable user privlages
    - System administration
    - Project Website design and updates

    Lets get the easy one out of the way:  would anyone care to voulenteer to tackle the website?  talp already posted an "under construciton" page (thank you, talp), but I'm not sure how much involvement he wants in the actual website.  It wouldn't be a whole lot of work right now, but will be later on.  If a team of people want to take it on, thats cool too.

    The topic of "Transaciton Processing" encompasses the sub-topic that has taken over much of the forum-discussion:  barcode scanning.  I've created a task for this:
    To be honest, I'm not really sure what this does.  As I said, this is the first active project I've managed, so if anyone knows any more about the SF system, please let me know.  Anyone who would like to take a lead on the "barcode-scanning" sub-topic, please email me, or post here...

    Addtionally, anyone wishing to work on a particular asspect of the project, please post here or email me.

    • John Mitchell

      John Mitchell - 2002-04-04

      I would like to work on the formatting and such like of recpits. I have a far base of knowledge in PDF and other e-document formats. Or the client server protocol. (design not implementation)

      Also you are all talking about barcode readers, from my understanding a barcode reader just converted barcodes into std keyboard ASCII numeric input, well any I have used have done so anyways. So I doubt you would need any specialised drivers or such like, correct me if I am wrong though.


    • Tal Peer

      Tal Peer - 2002-04-04

      Well, i do want to be involved in the webpage (although not to much). I posted a msg in the developers forum regarding mechanism for easily updating it, please read it (you must be logged in to see the developers forum).

    • Joe White

      Joe White - 2002-04-04

      John, The few barcode scanners that I've hooked up onto my computer and read that data has all be encrypted. The first one I tried used base64 + XOR. Took me about 2 hours to decode that. The second one I've tried is really complicated and I have no idea as to what its encoding is. If we can use a barcode scanner that reads in ASCII Numeric that would be great. But a lot of the companies want to sell you their software.

    • Brian Cheeseman

      Brian Cheeseman - 2002-04-05

      Guys, My primary experience at the moment is database design, creation and interfacing.  Perhaps it may be beneficial if I start with this. 

      Based on the theory of using PHP for the backend server processing, I believe that using adodb for php will allow us maximum versatility for the database option.

      joebeew, I have also done some decoding as part of my job, if you wanted to make some sample scans and send them to me with both the RS-232 data and the actual scanned code, I am sure I could pull it apart.


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