
Retrieving Probability From Treebank Parser

  • Cerin

    Cerin - 2010-02-18

    How would you get the associated probability for the parse tree returned by the Treebank parser, or get it to return multiple trees?

    It seems to create a parsing for any input, even random noise. This is admirable, but I'd like to be able to detect an uncertain parsing (e.g. in the case of random noise) so I can prompt the user for clarification.

  • Cerin

    Cerin - 2010-02-18

    Nevermind. Just figured out how to query the parser's arguments, and found the "k" parameter, which returns multiple parses along with their log-probabilities. Exactly what I need!

  • Cerin

    Cerin - 2010-02-18

    What base do the log-probabilities use? I'm having trouble converting them in to a probability normalized between .

  • Thomas Morton

    Thomas Morton - 2010-02-19

    e, what Math.log gives you back in java.  Hope this helps…Tom


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