
opennlp documentation

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-13

    Hi again,

    I would like to point out some problems i ran into and find a bit annoying.

    The javadoc is the basic source of info of how to use opennlp (and even the javadoc is rather broken  - see - i need to iterate through the packages using prev/next package ). Could you please fix the java doc index? It would make navigation much much faster :)

    Also, if the wiki pages for chunker, parser, pos tagger would exist it would be great (like the pages for tokenizer or sentence detector) to provide a jump start and explain even in a few lines how to use the output. The parser has some info but does not show how to use the output.

    I already started integrating opennlp features into my project but if i would have needed to start with the chunker for example and would not find an example of how to use (even though it is very easy to use) i would skip opennlp alltogheter. I think this is a pity because opennlp provides good and simple code, but possibly turns away users because of documentation issues.

    I hope this is the right forum to post this in :)  I had to post it as it has taken me 30 minutes to set up a chunker as i had to use google code to search for examples (even on gcode i found only <1.4 ver examples but got the general ideea). The tokenizer took me about 1 minute to set up because of the help page. I have no ideea how long it will take me to work out the parser though :)


  • Joern Kottmann

    Joern Kottmann - 2010-10-13

    Sorry for the javadoc issue, I will update them to the 1.5 javadocs and check if they are fixed. Would be nice if you could have a short look over them then again.

    There hasn't been any documentation available other then the readme file. So Jason got us started with the wiki and
    then I also started to contribute time to write documentation.
    Its nice to here that you like what is there, at least that will motivate us to write more :)

    Of course you are invited to help us to improve the documentation.

    Thanks for your feedback,

  • Joern Kottmann

    Joern Kottmann - 2010-10-13

    Javadocs are updated to the current 1.5.0 version, please test if its better now.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-13

    Javadoc is up and running ok. It will make life a bit easier, thanks :)

    About the documentation, as soon as finish my project i'll be happy to write a few lines for the missing pages, if they are still missing then :)


  • Joern Kottmann

    Joern Kottmann - 2010-10-13

    That would be nice, but I planned to get the missing pages done soon.

    Even the pages which for the Tokenizer and Sentence Detector are still very minimal, I will put
    in a few place holders for things which still need to be done. Than here and there someone might help out
    to fill holes.

    The idea actually is to get a set of initial documentation written and included in one of the
    upcoming 1.5 releases. The wiki is just to get started with it.



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