
... new members ??

  • Stefan Groschupf

    I'm interessted to join the opennlp project. I'm had started to write a text mining framework and want use your api/implementation.
    I save a lot of time by using your work, so it makes me happy I can help on a other task. The only problem i have no lingustical backround, but learn fast.. ;-)

    • Jason Baldridge

      Jason Baldridge - 2002-04-23

      You are indeed welcome to bring Weta on as an OpenNLP project!  Since it is already an open source  project related to NLP, all we need to do is provide a link to the Weta website and then it would also be nice if the Weta website had a link to OpenNLP. No paperwork necessary.

      As for helping on another task, one thing that I would like to see is someone like yourself using and consequently improving the interface library for OpenNLP.  What have you used so far?

      Another thing, which some developers are already looking into, is how to match up OpenNLP with the Gate project (, so if you want to have a look at that and see what can be done, that would be cool too.

      Welcome aboard OpenNLP!  I'll just take this chance to reiterate that we do not seek to place restrictions on OpenNLP projects apart from the obvious basis of being open source and NLP related.  It's meant to act as an entity that provides a communication point for different projects such that they have greater potential to collaborate and pick each other's brains.

    • Stefan Groschupf

      ok I add a link to opennlp to the weta page tomorrow!

      I dont use any other nlp package before, i was sure i must write it myself. So of curse we want use opennlp. Our project is in the pre alpha state, so it's a lot of work to do in the next weeks. But we use a server component struture of our software. So until i write on some backend function like clustering, some one else form the weta project can start to implement the opennlp api.

      gate: is there a pleace where i can discuss with the other developer that trying to port gate to the opennlp api?

      long life for open source community! ;-)

    • Jason Baldridge

      Jason Baldridge - 2002-04-23

      Could you give me a few sentences about Weta to put on the projects page:

      I would start a post on the Grok open discussion forum about Gate.  Meghan Pike has been cracking away at it and already has wrappers for most of the Grok preprocessing components.  She'd love to have someone else looking into some of the challenges she is facing.

    • Stefan Groschupf

      >Could you give me a few sentences about Weta
      Ok. I send it to you.

      >I would start a post on the Grok open discussion >forum about Gate.
      Whats about a mailing list?  (sorry i have dial in accout )

      >She'd love to have someone else looking into
      >some of the challenges she is facing.

      I'm happy when I can help.


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