zhiqiang li - 2009-03-18

dear Tom,

In the following sentence for example:
{ But "given Switzerland's large external surplus, there
should be no concern if domestic demand grows faster than
GDP...Which, if only in a small way, would contribute to
improving international balances," the OECD said.}
  result of tokenizing is :
  The pre-quote is not seperated from the following word,unless Upcase "given" as "Given".
  "GDP..." is treated as  a whole as well.
  If  word surplus is quoted wether with "" or '' or <>,they are treated as a whole too. The result likes:
  {Switzerland 's large external “surplus” , there }
I havn`t modified any code dowloaded, and i have no idea about it.
  Can you help me ?
  li zhiqiang