
Anaphors resolution

  • Peter Schaeffer

    Peter Schaeffer - 2005-02-27

    I was wondering if anybody has experience with an anaphor resolution/substitution tool. This function is not included in an OpenNLP API right? Any hints, tips, links are welcome.


    • Thomas Morton

      Thomas Morton - 2005-02-27

      Hi Peter,
         This functionality is currently being integrated into opennlp but is not included in the last released version.  The next release will include coreference resolution and will likely be in April.  Hope this helps...Tom

    • Peter Schaeffer

      Peter Schaeffer - 2005-02-27

      Hi Tom, thank you for your quick response :-)
      So do latest CVS snaphshots already include a basic functionality?

      best regards

      • Thomas Morton

        Thomas Morton - 2005-02-28

           The short answer is no.  The code out there doesn't include a means of using the existing parser information or named-entity information, or displaying the output of the coreference material, or models for running it.  I'm almost done with that integration effort and then I'll retrain models and see how they perform.  I did a fair amount of this work recently but it may be a couple of weeks before I get back to it.  I can let you know once the coref stuff is ready if it doesn't happen within a day or so of the next release.  Hope this helps...Tom

    • Peter Schaeffer

      Peter Schaeffer - 2005-05-09

      Hi, you didn't promise too much :-)
      I am going to download the latest version now and give it a try! Thanks for your good work.

      Grtz Peter

    • Peter Schaeffer

      Peter Schaeffer - 2005-06-16

      Hi Tom,
      finally I found the time to play around a bit with the coref and I tried to get the examples running, described in the README file.
      Finally I got the

      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "N
              at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)


      This is known in the jwnl project as well, but not really resolved. Did you have similar problems and do you know a workaround? I guess it is something with the file_properties.xml file, which is missing in the latest opennlp release ( if you really need it?).

      Any help appreciated.

      Grtz Peter

      • Thomas Morton

        Thomas Morton - 2005-06-16

           My guess is that this is a WordNet version compatibility problem.  You need to have version WordNet version 2.0.

          I'm not sure what the file_properties.xml file your are refering is.  I believe the property files needed by jwnl are in its jar.  The jwnl.jar that is distributed with opennlp is slightly different from the one the jwnl project distributes.  I don't remember the differences exactly, but I think loading the properties file as a resource from the jar may have been one of my changes.  If you're using theirs or one built from their source that may be the problem. 

        Let me know if one of those two things fixes this problem.  If its the first I'll catch the exception and report a message that makes sense for the next release.

        Hope this helps...Tom

        • Peter Schaeffer

          Peter Schaeffer - 2005-07-07

          btw: I use WordNet 2.0

    • Peter Schaeffer

      Peter Schaeffer - 2005-07-07

      Hi Tom,
      finally it worked...somehow. I think it is something with the language settings you have set, because the jar file only contains a _EN properties file. But I am not sure about it...

      More important: which version of JWNL did you use and what do you mean by slightly differences?

      Problem: In my application I already used JWNL (1.3RC3), but after replacing this one with the OPENNLP one, this doesn't work anymore....

      Grtz Peter

      • Thomas Morton

        Thomas Morton - 2005-07-08

           I used the rc3 version as well.  I did a diff on the code and the only thing I say was that I removed the logging dependency to org.apache.logging from net/didion/jwnl/util/ so that I would not have to include that jar in my distribution.  Because of this my jar is built from the source.  I can't imagine why it wouldn't work with the original jar.  Does it work if you just run opennlp with original jwnl jar?  (I'd try it but I'm not at home)

          If you are integrating the two code bases together, then it may be that the instance of net.didion.jwnl.dictionary.Dictionary that you are creating for your app is incompatible with the one I create in: or vice versa.

        Hope this helps...Tom

    • Peter Schaeffer

      Peter Schaeffer - 2005-07-12

      OK, here we go:

      First of all my fault was, that I used your distribution of jwnl to compile the open-nlp lib, but used the original jwnl dist to run my code. That caused an error...
      With using the same dist for both everything works fine.

      I already mentioned the
      "NUMBER_OF_VERB_FRAMES" error and I could reproduce it. After extracing "" file from the jar and rename it to "" and adding it again to the JWNL dist, this error disappeared. I run Win2000 with german language settings I there must be a problem with that, but now everything works fine.

      Sample Output:

      (TOP (S (NP#2 (NNP Johann)) (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN house)))) (. .)) (S (NP#2 (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ brave) (NN man))) (. .)) )


      Thanks for you help Tom!

      • Thomas Morton

        Thomas Morton - 2005-07-12

          Glad you got it working.  I'll take a look at the file name issue.  Perhaps it's a windows/linux issue where jwnl looks for a different file depending on OS.  I develop and test under linux so issues of this nature can slip through the cracks.  Probably the easiest thing to do would be to just put files with both names in the jar.  Thanks for tracking this down...Tom

        • jianlee

          jianlee - 2006-03-08

          Hi, I encountered the error of "NUMBER_OF_VERB_FRAMES". I run WinXP OS. I used Peter's method which rename the "" to "" and then add it to the JWNL distribution again. But it still not work, I also got the same error

          Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "NUMBER_OF_VERB_FRAMES"
          at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
          at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
          at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
          at at<init>(

          I traced the program and found out the command of "VerbFrame.initialize();"

          public static void initialize() {
            if (!_initalized) {
              int framesSize = Integer.parseInt(JWNL.resolveMessage("NUMBER_OF_VERB_FRAMES")); <---- I thought the error was happened by this command
              _verbFrames = new VerbFrame[framesSize];
              for (int i = 1; i <= framesSize; i++)
              _verbFrames[i - 1] = new VerbFrame(getKeyString(i), i);
              _initalized = true;

          I don't know how to solve this problem.

          Any help appreciated.


          • jianlee

            jianlee - 2006-03-08

            Or maybe the file did not be loaded to the program...

          • Thomas Morton

            Thomas Morton - 2006-03-09

               You are correct that the file is not being loaded.  This file is loaded via:

            java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle, _locale);

            and the file name appears to be dependent on the Locale of your machine.  My guess is that you'll need to change the the "en" part of the file to better match your Locale and re-jar the files.  I don't know how to get the locale name, but you might try just printing out Locale.getDefault() to see if that tells you something. 

            You'll probably want to also change:

            Please report back if you get this to work.  Thanks...Tom

            • jianlee

              jianlee - 2006-03-11

              It's working...
              Thanks for you help Tom.
              Because my OS was set in Chinese, so I renamed both of files from "en" to "zh". And then it worked.

              But it is a little weird of the output result. I used the example mentioned above by piodiwan, which is
              "Johann goes into the house. He is a brave man."

              piodiwan parsed the sentence to
              (TOP (S (NP (NNP Johann)) (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN house)))) (. .)) (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ brave) (NN man))) (. .)))

              and he got the result of coref was
              (TOP (S (NP#2 (NNP Johann)) (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN house)))) (. .)) (S (NP#2 (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ brave) (NN man))) (. .)) )

              but... I can't get the same result. I used his parsed result. But I got the result of coref was the same as input.
              (TOP (S (NP (NNP Johann)) (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN house)))) (. .)) (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ brave) (NN man))) (. .)) )

              Then, I used the OpenNLP parser. I got the parsed result.
              (TOP (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN house)))) (. .)))
              (TOP (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ brave) (NN man))) (. .)))

              And then input these parsed sentence to the coref program. But I also got the result of coref was the same as input.
              (TOP (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN house)))) (. .)))
              (TOP (S (NP (PRP He)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ brave) (NN man))) (. .)))


              • Thomas Morton

                Thomas Morton - 2006-04-17

                    Sorry I missed this reply when it first came in.  The original posts were refering to the 1.2 version. of opennlp-tools, where as in 1.3, the named-entity information has been incorporated and the coreference algorithm is expecting to see people names taged as such.  Run the named-entity component as described in the coreference example in the "Running The Tools" section of the README and it should work better.   Unfortunatly I don't have time to do this myself right now. 

                Hope this helps...Tom

    • mapb

      mapb - 2005-07-15




      All are quite tedious to compile or run. Mail me if u need help.

      mapb AT stud DOT uni-graz DOT at



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