
OpenNLP project help (from email discussion)

  • Jason Baldridge

    Jason Baldridge - 2004-10-06

    I got an email from Danny Shacham and felt that my response should go up on the forum, as I would like to encourage someone out there to perhaps think about helping maintain the OpenNLP page, especially ensuring that links and projects are still active. Please email me and Tom Morton if you are interested!

    > Quoting Danny Shacham <>:
    > > Dear Jason,
    > >
    > > I'm a graduate student in Computer Science, in the field of NLP,
    > > working on MultiWordNet project on Hebrew.
    > > I heard about OpenNLP and I would like to join you and participate in
    > > developing some features in it.
    > > I would think for a project I can do in the framework of OpenNLP, but
    > > If you have any suggestions, preferably regarding cross lingual
    > > projects I would be happy to hear about.
    > >
    > > Looking forward for working together,
    > > Best regards,
    > >
    > > Danny Shacham

    Here's my response:
    <> wrote:
    > Hi Danny,
    > That's great. To start, I should say that OpenNLP isn't really a framework as
    > such. Think of it more as a meeting point for those interested in open source
    > software for NLP. In the sense that it has become a fairly well known point to
    > find different projects in NLP, it has been successful. In terms of building a
    > community of people who actively develop NLP software that works together and
    > who ask each other questions about how to do stuff, it has not made much
    > impact. So in terms of developing for OpenNLP, the usual thing to do is to
    > work on some software and call it OpenNLP software and be adding to the
    > overall resources that are available. However, thinking about OpenNLP itself,
    > it would be great to have someone who is more proactive about finding new
    > relevant projects, inviting them to be OpenNLP projects, and then either
    > adding them or at least making a link to them from our links page. It would
    > also be good to have someone who could make sure that projects listed on
    > OpenNLP are still current and being developed -- and get rid of the ones that
    > aren't. If you'd be interested in that, it would improve OpenNLP a lot, I
    > think.
    > As for cross-lingual projects, the following links are to a couple of projects
    > that have recently requested to become OpenNLP projects, but which are not yet
    > on the web site.
    > And as for a project that I think the community could *really* use, it would
    > be building open source morphological analyzers for various languages. Maybe
    > something exists now, but there wasn't anything like that the last time I
    > checked.
    > Cheers,
    > Jason

    • Jason Baldridge

      Jason Baldridge - 2004-10-06

      Just to follow up with a bit more detail on some things that I think would help is to:

      1. Check up on all the sites linked to from the and make sure they are  still useful. Also, check the quality -- as I recall GPLTrans and some of the other "machine translation" projects listed there don't work very well, yet we don't have links to important MT resources like Giza++.

      2. Check the OpenNLP projects to see if they are still alive and kicking. Send mail to those that appear dead and remove them if they are. Being an OpenNLP project doesn't require any extra admin, but we might as well make sure they are going somewhere!

      3. Look for other open source NLP projects to link to.



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