
introducing myself and EDG

  • Eugene Koontz

    Eugene Koontz - 2002-05-17

    Hi OpenNLP people,
        It's nice to see so much interest in NLP on SourceForge. I just started my own project, EDG, which I invite you to check out :
    I hope it's possible to insert EDG under the OpenNLP umbrella. Looking forward to working with you all in the future.

    • John Dowding

      John Dowding - 2002-05-19


      Welcome to OpenNLP.

      We are in the process of setting up a web site devoted to tracking and supporting all open source NLP software at  We will certainly a link to your project when that gets set up.

    • Jason Baldridge

      Jason Baldridge - 2002-05-22

      Interesting.  Is there any reason that you are not building off the LKB to create EDG?

      Anyway, welcome aboard! I'll add you to the current list of projects on the sourceforge page.


      • Eugene Koontz

        Eugene Koontz - 2002-05-28

        Hi Jason,
            Thanks to both you and John for the warm welcome and the links.
            With regard to LKB, it's certainly a much more mature and complete implementation than my new project, EDG. I started work on what became EDG long ago, as part of my Master's Project in Linguistics, before I knew of LKB. I've decided to keep working on it because I think it's got a couple of attractive features that I want to continue to develop. First, the web-enabled stuff : the XML/HTML output format of the feature structures, and, hopefully before long, a complete web-based development environment.   
           Second, EDG allows an incremental building of the type hierarchy. For example, you can add one type, then add another, and the system will, if necessary, create a new supertype that is the generalization of the two types you added. The intention is a "bottom-up" building of the type hierarchy from examples given to the system. (This is the meaning of the name "Example-based Development". )
            It might be that the LKB developers find something of value in either of these features and are able to incorporate them into LKB. Similarly, I hope that I can make use of the Lingo grammars and lexicons (subject to the licencing terms of that work, of course).
            More generally speaking, when a standard encoding of grammars and lexica emerges out of the OpenNLP project, I hope that we can share these resources among our different implementations.


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