
question about chunker output

  • tawilson

    tawilson - 2005-01-06

    Hi -

    When the chunker is given the following sentence as input:

    washington/NNP says/VBZ no/DT ,/, because/IN the/DT taliban/NNP had/VBD no/DT clear/JJ chain/NN of/IN command/NN and/CC was/VBD not/RB a/DT legitimate/JJ government/NN ./.

    it produces the following output:

    [NP washington/NNP ] [VP says/VBZ ] [NP no/DT ] ,/, [SBAR because/IN ] [NP the/DT taliban/NNP ] [VP had/VBD ] [NP no/DT clear/JJ chain/NN ] [PP of/IN ] [NP command/NN ] and/CC [VP was/VBD ] not/RB [NP a/DT legitimate/JJ gover
    nment/NN ] ./.

    Neither the and/CC nor the not/RB were included in or made into  chunks.  Is this correct?  That these two things don't belong in a chunk, or is it an error.


    • Thomas Morton

      Thomas Morton - 2005-01-06

         That looks correct to me although I don't know the guidlines exactly.  The "and" is part of a VP coordination and the not is also a VP modifier which I believe are typically left un-chunked.  There is more information about the specifications of the data used to train the chunker at:

      I think the definitive guide however is in the perl code used to extract this information from Penn Treebank parses.  Hope this helps...Tom


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