
Help!!: Software to generate sentences

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-08-30


       I'm doing a project using SAPI5.1 and VB6 to create a purchasing agent. Does anybody have any recommendations on the software to use to generate sentences and can be used in conjunction with VB6? I want to generate sentences, given some rules/criteria.

    Thank you!!


    • John Dowding

      John Dowding - 2002-08-30

      Could you be more specific?   Do you want to generate sentences randomly, or from some meaning representation?

      I've got some Prolog software I could make available if it would help.   I don't have access to VB though.

      Your speech recognizer may come with software to
      generate sentences randomly from your grammar.
      I know Nuance includes this.  It is a good way to
      validate the grammar.


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