
Build model new language (Italian)

  • Antonio Bruno

    Antonio Bruno - 2008-03-21

    I want to build a model for the Italian.
    What steps should I do? There is a guide that you can advise me?

    Antonio Bruno

    • Thomas Morton

      Thomas Morton - 2008-03-29

         Sorry its taken a while to get back to this.  Part of my reluctance to answer this is that the question is a vague and the answer potentially long. 

      There are separate models for each type of processing, sentence detection, pos-tagging, etc.  You would need to figure out which types of processing you need, find training data, and then build your models off of this training data.  Check out the "Training the Tools" section of the README for pointer to the classes used for training specific models.

      Most of them already support specifying an encoding which you would need for non-ascii text.  Hope this helps...Tom


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