
OpenNLP - related publications

  • Philip Ogren

    Philip Ogren - 2008-03-11


    I just stumbled across Ekaterina Buyko's paper "Automatically Adapting
    an NLP Core Engine to the Biology Domain" which is a fantastic tribute
    to OpenNLP.  I would have cited this paper for a recent workshop paper I
    submitted a couple of weeks ago.  It would recommend posting a link to
    this paper on the front page of your opennlp website.

    On a related note, I looked for a good reference to cite OpenNLP but
    couldn't find one.  Do you have a suggestion?  If so, this also ought to
    go on the web page when you get a chance.


    • Thomas Morton

      Thomas Morton - 2008-03-16

         Thanks for the paper reference; it was interesting.  I don't have an overview paper, but probably clearly should.  You could make a reference to the site as is  done with the mallet package:

            author = "Andrew Kachites McCallum",
            title = "MALLET: A Machine Learning for Language Toolkit",
            note = "",
            year = 2002}

            author = "Thomas Morton, Joern Kottmann, Jason Baldridge, Gann Bierner",
            title = "OpenNLP: A Java-based NLP Toolkit",
            note = "",
            year = 2005}

      Hope this helps...Tom


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