Jason Baldridge - 2001-07-18

As part of the work that I'm doing with NASA, I am helping to create a new natural language processing system (with some similar aims to Grok, but not entirely overlapping).  We decided that it would be better in the end to make OpenNLP the parent project of the NASA project and Grok, instead of "Quipu", so there will soon be some changes in the package heirarchies in which all instances of "quipu" go to "opennlp".  Thus, quipu.grok will be opennlp.grok.

Gann and I had initially resisted using opennlp as the top level because we also had created the Maximum Entropy package and that is not specifically NLP.  But after talking it over some more, we decided that that is just fine, and that in the end opennlp is a much better name, and a much better banner to rally an open source project around.

Of course, then what happens to what is now "quipu.opennlp"?  At the moment, I'm going with "opennlp.common", but was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions?

Of course, this means that this project will change its emphasis.  It will probably still take care of the java interfaces for NLP components, but it will more importantly be a central point for collaboration on different levels through different opennlp projects, such as Grok and the NASA projects.
