
Missing SHA1's

  • SukkoPera

    SukkoPera - 2006-02-12

    I just noticed that the config file for machine Sony_HB-101P is missing the SHA1's of ROMs:

       <primary slot="0">
          <RAM id="Main RAM">
            <mem base="0x8000" size="0x8000"/>
          <ROM id="MSX BIOS with BASIC ROM">
            <mem base="0x0000" size="0x8000"/>

        <primary external="true" slot="1"/>

        <primary external="true" slot="2"/>

        <primary slot="3">
          <ROM id="MSX Database">
            <mem base="0x4000" size="0x4000"/>

    Is this a "bug" or not?

    • Manuel Bilderbeek

      Indeed, they are missing, because we don't know them. We have never had any dump of this machine's system ROMs to be able to determine the SHA1 sum. But we do know the layout of the machine, hence we could make the hardwareconfig.xml.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ok then. maybe a comment in the xml would be a nice idea ;).