
#47 Return Code -11 with Example_03 and MacOS

Keyi Liu


I saw a similar ticket on this but it was a while back I was just wondering if the problem has been identified.
I was trying to run example_03 on my Mac and got the following errors

nsteps 100
nsteps 100
OUTPUTS_03/Bose_Hubbard_modtau_5.0 f39c66eb22d6772e5c75f9d442c55a6247833672b050ac418f

nsteps 100
nsteps 100
Execute_MPSMain TMP_03/Bose_Hubbard_modtau_5.0Main.nml 0

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#####0  0x10f7ae8cd
#####1  0x10f7adcdd
#####2  0x7fff6da7e5fc
#####3  0x7fff2fca11d1
#####4  0x10f23f612
#####5  0x10f299f99
#####6  0x10f2c4574
#####7  0x10f353c4d
#####8  0x10f3dc4f7
#####9  0x10f3dcc6e
#####10  0x10f589a58
#####11  0x10f5e5257
#####12  0x10f60dc4c
#####13  0x10f617240
#####14  0x10f62c0cf
#####15  0x10f62dfe4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 164, in <module>
    main(PostProcess=Post, ShowPlots=Plot)
  File "", line 110, in main
    mps.runMPS(MainFiles, RunDir=RunDir)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/MPSPyLib/", line 398, in runMPS
    raise MPSFortLibError(ret_val) MPSFortLib quit with fatal return code -11!

These are the flags I modified in the BuildOSMPS:

defaults = {
  'PY':          'python',
  'FC':          'gfortran',
  'OFLAGS':      '-O3',
  'OPENMP':      '',
  'BLAS_FLAG':   '',
  'LAPACK_FLAG': '-framework accelerate',

  'ARPACK_FLAG': '-L/usr/local/Cellar/arpack/3.7.0_4/lib -larpack',
  'HDF5_FLAG' :  '',
  'INCFLAGS':    '',
  'LIBFLAGS':    ''

Thanks a lot in advance


  • Matthew Jones

    Matthew Jones - 2020-06-08
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
     I saw a similar ticket on this but it was a while back I was just wondering if the problem has been identified.
     I was trying to run example_03 on my Mac and got the following errors
     nsteps 100
     nsteps 100
     OUTPUTS_03/Bose_Hubbard_modtau_5.0 f39c66eb22d6772e5c75f9d442c55a6247833672b050ac418f
    @@ -38,21 +39,26 @@
       File &#34;/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/MPSPyLib/;, line 398, in runMPS
         raise MPSFortLibError(ret_val) MPSFortLib quit with fatal return code -11!
     These are the flags I modified in the BuildOSMPS:
    -    defaults = {
    -      &#39;PY&#39;:          &#39;python&#39;,
    -      &#39;FC&#39;:          &#39;gfortran&#39;,
    -      &#39;OFLAGS&#39;:      &#39;-O3&#39;,
    -      &#39;OPENMP&#39;:      &#39;&#39;,
    -      &#39;BLAS_FLAG&#39;:   &#39;&#39;,
    -      &#39;LAPACK_FLAG&#39;: &#39;-framework accelerate&#39;,
    -      #
    -      &#39;ARPACK_FLAG&#39;: &#39;-L/usr/local/Cellar/arpack/3.7.0_4/lib -larpack&#39;,
    -      &#39;HDF5_FLAG&#39; :  &#39;&#39;,
    -      &#39;INCFLAGS&#39;:    &#39;&#39;,
    -      &#39;LIBFLAGS&#39;:    &#39;&#39;
    -    }
    -    Thanks a lot in advance
    +defaults = {
    +  &#39;PY&#39;:          &#39;python&#39;,
    +  &#39;FC&#39;:          &#39;gfortran&#39;,
    +  &#39;OFLAGS&#39;:      &#39;-O3&#39;,
    +  &#39;OPENMP&#39;:      &#39;&#39;,
    +  &#39;BLAS_FLAG&#39;:   &#39;&#39;,
    +  &#39;LAPACK_FLAG&#39;: &#39;-framework accelerate&#39;,
    +  &#39;ARPACK_FLAG&#39;: &#39;-L/usr/local/Cellar/arpack/3.7.0_4/lib -larpack&#39;,
    +  &#39;HDF5_FLAG&#39; :  &#39;&#39;,
    +  &#39;INCFLAGS&#39;:    &#39;&#39;,
    +  &#39;LIBFLAGS&#39;:    &#39;&#39;
    +Thanks a lot in advance
    • assigned_to: Matthew Jones
  • Matthew Jones

    Matthew Jones - 2020-06-08

    Updating issue owner.
    Fixed syntax highlighting in ticket.

  • Matthew Jones

    Matthew Jones - 2020-06-08

    Hi Keyi Liu,

    Firstly, would you mind posting your procedure for acquiring OpenMPS, compiling the code, and installing it on your system?

    Secondly, would you also post the example you're trying to execute? You can do this by adding it as an attachment.


  • Keyi Liu

    Keyi Liu - 2020-06-08

    Hi Matt,

    I just realized there were some changes to the Sourceforge installation instructions page and they were not the same as the one I used. I will try that really quick and see if that solves the issue.

    I'm also testing it on a linux machine so if that works I might just stick to the linux version.


  • Matthew Jones

    Matthew Jones - 2020-06-09

    Hi Keyi Liu,

    Did you find success?
    Please be sure that you clone the source.


  • Keyi Liu

    Keyi Liu - 2020-06-09

    Hi Matt,

    I managed to run everything smoothly on my Linux machine.
    However when I re-installed the package on my Mac I got some new error messages when I was running python install

    I've attached the error logs. I followed the instructions at . I installed Anaconda separately (not through the script) and successfully set up the openmps env. I am wondering if I need to configure things differently for the OS X


    Last edit: Keyi Liu 2020-06-09

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