
openModeller: 0.6.0 released

openModeller is a cross-platform C++ library for potential distribution modeling.

This release contains mainly new features, including:

- Drivers to directly read occurrences from GBIF or TAPIR/DarwinCore providers.
- A new command-line tool (om_points) that can be used to retrieve occurrence data using any of the available drivers.
- A new command-line tool (om_algorithm) to get information about the available algorithms.
- A new Maximum Entropy algorithm with two training methods: GIS (Generalized Iterative Scaling) and L-BFGS (Limited-Memory Variable Metric).

The GARP Best Subsets algorithm was also changed to accept the "max threads" parameter, which can be used to speed up the modelling process in multi-processor machines.

Posted by regiov 2008-07-08

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