Activity for Open Metronome

  • codeBiscuit codeBiscuit modified ticket #3

    Tap Tempo

  • codeBiscuit codeBiscuit posted a comment on ticket #3

    Hi, Very sorry, but, realistically, I'm very unlikely to be able to find the time to implement this (sorry again). I no longer have the compiler I made it with, although probably it'd compile OK in modern Visual Studio. I've no idea if I'd be able to make the installer still work either. The main reason I made it (distinct from Weird Metronome) was to have something that'd run on my Windows Mobile phone/ Pocket PC devices, but they were both discontinued 12 years ago! I think if I did go back to...

  • Michael James Michael James created ticket #3

    Tap Tempo

  • codeBiscuit codeBiscuit modified ticket #2

    Is the project abandoned?

  • codeBiscuit codeBiscuit posted a comment on ticket #2

    Hi, I have not abandoned it exactly, but have no plans to add anything new. I'd do fixes, I guess, if there were problems. However, I don't have the correct compiler to compile for early versions of Windows any more:) Sorry for taking such a long time to reply, it seems SourceForge deleted my account in 2016 and didn't tell me about it:D Probably if I started work again on Open Metronome, I'd remake it in Unity (so, it'd be a web app, and also work on Windows/ Linux/ Mac); but, I'm so busy with other...

  • s-r-grass s-r-grass created ticket #2

    Is the project abandoned?

  • man-stroodle man-stroodle modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Nevermind I see, it's my systems default sounds. Think I got it from here.. Original Post: Is it just me or does the MIDI version have different/drier-sounding samples than the WAV version? I like how the MIDI version sounds more for what I'm doing.. How can I get the WAV version to sound like the midi?

  • man-stroodle man-stroodle posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Is it just me or does the MIDI version have different/drier-sounding samples than the WAV version? I like how the MIDI version sounds more for what I'm doing.. How can I get the WAV version to sound like the midi?

  • Open Metronome Open Metronome released /OldFiles/

  • Open Metronome Open Metronome released /OldFiles/OpenMetronome_Setup.msi

  • Open Metronome Open Metronome released /OldFiles/oMetronome_MIDI.exe

  • Open Metronome Open Metronome released /OldFiles/

  • Open Metronome Open Metronome released /OldFiles/oMetCE.CAB