
OpenLP - Free Church Worship Software / News: Recent posts

Fix All The Bugs! OpenLP 2.4.6

Due to some differences between the various platforms we support, and some bug fixes for some of those platforms, OpenLP 2.4.5 unfortunately introduced some bugs. Thankfully they were easy enough to pick up, and easy enough to fix.

In this bugfix release we also fixed a problem where the OpenLP database importer was dropping the author type, and a problem with some of the core translations not being loaded.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-04-02

Windows and SSL

Recently we've had a lot of posts on the forums, messages on our Facebook page and e-mails in our support system from users with the same problem: they are on Windows and they can't complete the First Time Wizard. A few folks have also mentioned being unable to log into the CCLI SongSelect importer. The error message usually looks something like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "urllib\", line 1183, in do_open
  File "http\", line 1137, in request
  File "http\", line 1182, in _send_request
  File "http\", line 1133, in endheaders
  File "http\", line 963, in _send_output
  File "http\", line 898, in send
  File "http\", line 1287, in connect
  File "", line 362, in wrap_socket
  File "", line 580, in __init__
  File "", line 807, in do_handshake
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:600)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "openlp\plugins\songs\lib\", line 87, in login
  File "urllib\", line 464, in open
  File "urllib\", line 482, in _open
  File "urllib\", line 442, in _call_chain
  File "urllib\", line 1226, in https_open
  File "urllib\", line 1185, in do_open
urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:600)>
... [read more](/p/openlp/news/2017/02/windows-and-ssl/)
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-02-20

A Few More Bugs Fixed: OpenLP 2.4.5

We're happy to announce another bugfix release of OpenLP 2.4, version 2.4.5.

Bugs we've fixed in OpenLP 2.4.5

  • #1645867: Spinners in Theme Wizard segfault on OS X
  • #1655988: Formatting tags gets included in searchable lyric text
  • #1652851: VideoPsalm import fails due to unexpected format
  • #1660473: OSZL is ignored on save (inconsistent gui)
  • #1661416: Initial "extract song usage data" produces a traceback
  • #1487788: Importing photos does not give focus to OpenLP
  • #1512040: Loop tooltip gets stuck to "Stop playing..."
  • #1530597: Importing Songbeamer songs using latin1 encoding doesn't get decoded correctly
  • #1532193: Typos in
  • #1605009: Web remote does not work with newer versions of jQuery
  • #1624661: Missing DB in unmounted disk results in Traceback
  • #1655985: EasySlide importer gets the verse order wrong... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-02-05

OpenLP 2.4.4 Released

This bugfix release is mostly just to fix the subsequent problem that some of our users have encountered when importing songs from SongSelect. There are a couple of other bugs and minor improvements bundled into this release as well.

Bugs fixed in this release

  • #1629079: SongSelect import throws attribute exception when importing a song
  • #1605009: Web remote does not work with newer versions of jQuery
  • #1623711: Unable to delete web bibles or more than one bible... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-11-27

Android 2-6 Release through Google Play Store

A new Release of the Android client is coming to a Google play store near you..

The new version builds on the Android 5 material design theme and whilst will work on a phone, a tablet is the recommended device. It has been tested on versions 4.4 through to 6.

This new version works with OpenLP 2.2 and 2.4.

The following changes have been implemented since the previous release:... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-11-21

OpenLP 2.4.3 and Personal News

There are a couple of significant bugs and problems fixed in this release of OpenLP, including a fix for SongSelect's website update. Here's a full list of changes.

  • #1600510 Deleting a songbook throws "song" attribute exception
  • #1547964 Escaping video twice results in traceback
  • #1596668 Service theme selector is missing if theme level is song or Service
  • #1599999 CrossWalk bible list is empty
  • #1608194 Import from SongSelect no longer works (website updated)
  • #1562384 Biblegateway Downloads Amplified Classic instead of Amplified 2015
  • #1618489 Improper characters in Mediashout import cause traceback... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-09-25

Debian and Ubuntu PPA Updated to OpenLP 2.4.2

The OpenLP project tries to bridge the gap between Linux distributions and itself by having people on the OpenLP team create and update packages for the Linux distributions. Having said that, as is usual for most established distributions, we can't actually get the packages into the repositories, we have to use a sponsor to do that for us.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-09-04

OpenLP 2.4.2 Released

OpenLP 2.4 has still proven to be been surprisingly bug-free. Apart from some known issues with video, we've had very few actual bug reports. But that doesn't mean there haven't been any bug reports, or any bugs to be fixed. So, without much further ado, here's OpenLP 2.4.2, the second of the bugfix releases of OpenLP 2.4.

The translations have been updated to the latest versions.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-06-26

New 2.4 Series Release Next Weekend

We'd like to release another bug fix version of OpenLP next Sunday, the 26th of June. This should hopefully fix a few annoying bugs that were uncovered after the last round of bug fixes.

If you are a translator, now is your last chance to get your translation up to date. We are going to be pulling the translations from Transifex (you'll need to log in to see this link) on the morning of Thursday the 23rd. This means that your last day for translating is Wednesday the 22nd.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-06-17

Bugs, Translations, and Another Release

As we continue to work towards a shorter release cycle, we have started releasing bug fixes and translation updates on a more frequent basis.

With this in mind, we'd like to release version 2.4.2 in about 3 weeks time. This version will have all the latest bug fixes, but we would also like to release updated translations. If you're a translator, now is your opportunity to get your translation up to date.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-19

Official OpenLP Remote for iOS Released

Since we released the Android app we've had dozens of folks asking if there is a version for iOS, and our answer has always been, "No, we don't have any developers who have iOS devices and can write iOS apps. Then, a few months ago we were approached by Daniel Borges Ferreira da Silva, who is an OpenLP user and develops iOS apps, who offered to develop an iOS remote just like our Android remote.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-08

OpenLP 2.4.1 Released

Despite the extremely fast cycle from version 2.2 to version 2.4, OpenLP 2.4 has been surprisingly bug-free. Apart from some known issues with video, we've had very few actual bug reports. But that doesn't mean there haven't been any bug reports, or any bugs to be fixed.

So, without much further ado, here's OpenLP 2.4.1, the first of the bugfix releases of OpenLP 2.4.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-01

3000 Fans on Facebook!

While we don't place a lot of emphasis on numbers here at OpenLP, it's always nice to see a milestone or two, just to give us an idea of how many people are using OpenLP, and how popular it is.

Just the other day, the number of fans on the OpenLP page on Facebook ticked over 3000.

Now, this doesn't compare to some of the commercial applications out there, nor does it give us a real indication of how many people are using OpenLP, but it's still helps us understand how much of an impact we're having on the body of Christ, which is what our goal is anyway.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-10

iOS Beta Testers Needed

We are happy to announce that our official OpenLP Remote app for iOS is almost here, after about six months of planning, design and development. We are busy with the last few steps before we finally release the first version of the iOS app, but before we do that we need your help!

If you are an iPhone user you can help us by participating in some internal testing using the TestFlight app. This will allow you to install unreleased versions of iOS apps on your phone from the App Store. Once TestFlight is installed and your e-mail address has been activated against OpenLP, you will be able to download and install the OpenLP Remote.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-03-29

OpenLP 2.4 Released

After an extremely short release cycle, we're proud to present OpenLP 2.4.

Some folks might be wondering why we're releasing a new version after such a short amount of time. Others might be looking at the new features, and wondering why there's almost nothing there. The reality is that we were forced to upgrade some of the libraries we use sooner than we had anticipated.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-02-14

OpenLP 2.4 Release Candidate (version 2.3.3)

We're getting closer and closer to a release. Today we're excited to bring you our release candidate of OpenLP 2.4. If there are no major issues with version 2.3.3, we will release version 2.4 in a week or two.

OpenLP 2.4 is a short release with the main goal being upgrading OpenLP to use Qt 5. Up until now, we've been using version 4 of the GUI toolkit called Qt ("cute"). The GUI toolkit is how we display our interface.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-02-07

New Beta Release: OpenLP 2.3.2

We're really happy to announce our first beta release of the upcoming OpenLP 2.4.

You might think this is really soon after the last release, and it is true. We are having to accelerate our release to move to PyQt5 due to a packaging problem on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and other Linux distributions. As of today, OpenLP is no longer in the Debian repository because a package it relies on has been removed.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-01-10

Moving to PyQt5 and Releasing Version 2.4

Due to a packaging issue on one of our supported platforms (Debian, to be precise), we have had to radically shift forward the release date of OpenLP 2.4, as well as cut out a whole lot of features we had hoped to include.

The biggest feature of OpenLP 2.4 will be the move to Qt 5.x. Qt is the GUI library we use for OpenLP's interface, and up until now we've been using version 4.8 of Qt. Just like all software projects, Qt has been moving on (they recently released version 5.5), and we've unfortunately been lagging behind.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-12-24

Contributing to OpenLP Financially

Over the years people have asked us about financial contributions and donations to the project. OpenLP, like many other open source projects, is largely funded by open source project sites (, etc), donated resources, or (in some cases) the developers themselves. Until recently, this has meant that donations have mostly been unnecessary.

After some upheaval in the open source community recently, we decided to start building our own server infrastructure around the project to reduce our reliance on third parties who can exercise control over our digital assets. This means that OpenLP is now in charge of funding our own servers, bandwidth, build tools and other things.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-11-15

First 2.2 Series Bugfix Release: OpenLP 2.2.1

As with any piece of software, OpenLP is not bug-free. Sadly, in this particular case we didn't pick up some pretty major bugs until just after the release of 2.2.

In this release we have only fixed the most glaring bugs. These are the showstoppers that prevented people from actually using OpenLP. There will be more releases as time goes on to fix other, smaller, bugs.

Bugs fixed in this release:

  • The German, Estonian and Chinese (Taiwan) translations caused OpenLP to crash on startup
  • Error when VLC is not installed on Linux
  • OpenLP on Windows unable to detect VLC
  • ZionWorks import fails in OpenLP 2.2... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-11-01

Translation Errors and The Big Oops

With much fanfare, we released OpenLP 2.2 last Sunday. It's been a roaring success so far, but sadly it has also been plagued by unforseen bugs. A number of users have had OpenLP just crash on startup, and some folks have been unable to play videos. In this blog post, I'll show you how to figure out which issue you're running into, and a workaround for it until we can get a fix out (hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks).... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-10-23

OpenLP 2.2 Released!

It's finally here! After almost three years in development, the next major version of OpenLP has arrived!

A lot of work has gone into making this new version more stable, less buggy and easier to use, resulting almost 300 bugfixes and improvements. This version also sees some changes under the hood, in terms of moving to Python 3 and adding unit testing to increase the quality of the codebase.

New Features... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-10-18

Want OpenLP in Your Language?

If you'd like to see OpenLP in your language, now's the time! We are about 2 weeks away from the release of 2.2, and now is your opportunity to translate OpenLP's interface into your own language.

In order for your langauge to be included you need to have completed the translation of OpenLP 2.2 (you'll need to be logged into Transifex to see this page) by midnight UTC (GMT) on Saturday the 10th of October 2015.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-10-03

Almost There: OpenLP 2.1.6 Release Candidate 3

We're very close to releasing OpenLP 2.2 now. We've made a few additional bug fixes and have decided to release another Release Candidate. If we don't find any major bugs in this version, the next release will be 2.2.

These are the bugs we fixed in this release:

  • #1473632: crash on every file dialog
  • #1420356: sending presentation live with libreoffice initially is minimized to taskbar
  • #1463703: When diplaying a presentation from a loaded service the slidecontroller is blank
  • #1465390: Traceback when going from blanked presentation to video
  • #1201293: Unexpected Power Point dialogues triggers exception
  • #1464421: Connection errors in SongSelect are not handled
  • #1450596: Failure to verify SSL cert in SongSelect importer... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-08-24

Android 2 (Alpha Release) through Google Play Store

This new application replaces the existing Android Application. The two versions can be installed side-by-side on the same device.

This code is Alpha so has been tested and, in at least one church it is already being used live but there may still be issues with it.

The new version builds on the Android 5 material design theme and whilst will work on a phone, a tablet is the recommended device.

This new version works with OpenLP 2.0 and 2.1.5.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-06-05