
Thank You for Your Donations!

Thank you so much!

We want to say a HUGE thank you to our community for the recent donations
we have received. The recent donations we have received have enabled us to
purchase the following items:

High DPI monitor

Many people have had issues on Windows with high DPI monitors and scaling.
Thanks to the community, we were able to purchase a 4K monitor so that we can
test OpenLP with high resolutions and hopefully narrow down these issues.

Apple Silicon Mac Mini

Due to a lack of resources, up until now we have not been able to build OpenLP
on the new Apple Silicon platform, resulting in various compatibility issues,
especially with video. Thanks to some extremely generous members of our
community, we were able to purchase a Mac Mini M2, and we'll be using that for
building Apple Silicon versions of OpenLP, as well as testing and development
of OpenLP on that platform.

Extra RAM

We are also using virtual machines for running some tests and some development
on Windows. These can be quite resource intensive, and my desktop computer was
not able to fully handle it. Thanks to our community, the cost of an extra
16GB of RAM was covered, and we're able to run more virtual machines for
development and testing.

Ongoing Expenses

We do still have our regular ongoing expenses (domain names, downloads and
forums hosting, etc), and we are really grateful for the continued financial
support of the community. Thank you!


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-06-07

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