
No webservices exposed (There are no available services)

  • eav

    eav - 2016-08-15

    Hi there,

    I followed the installation guide ( I have a working webstudio where I could create a project, deploy it to production etc.

    However, when I access the webservice app (on the same host, same tomcat), I only get this message: 'There are no available services'

    My setup:
    - linux, ubuntu 16.04
    - tomcat 8.0.35 (or similar)
    - webstudio and webservice downloaded from
    - everything local, no rmi, no db nothing
    - webstudio v 5.17.2

    I also tried to export the Example 3 - Auto Policy Calculation from demo and import it to local installation. However this does not work as well.

    Also i tried the same with a (slightly different version) docker image here: I ended up in the same situation.

    When I create my project in your demo installation ( all REST/SOA webservices work like a charm.

    Any ideas where I can check, or am I doing something completely wrong? Btw when are these webservices exposed to the /webservice project (or is the webservice project always checking the repository by itself?)? Is it on deployment of the project?

    best regards

  • OpenL Tablets

    OpenL Tablets - 2016-08-15

    Hi eav,

    At first, could you check permissions for the app to create folders at ${user.home}/.openl ? This value is defined in
    If the permissions are correct then you will see rules-deploy and openl-ruleservice subfolders in that folder.

    The second possible issue is that OpenL WebStudio and OpenL RuleService use different deployment(production) repositories. Could you share your configurations from WebStudio and RuleServices?

    To deploy a project from WebStudio to RuleService you have to setup/configure a deployment repository which is DB-based or Jackrabbit (RMI, WebDav). Currently, our demo uses locally installed Jackrabbit repository via RMI.

    Best regards,

  • eav

    eav - 2016-08-15

    Hey, thanks for the good hints. Actually, it was the lack of information about the deployment repository which needs to be setup.

    For people struggling later, what I did:
    - Install webstudio and webservice with jdbc for production repository (simply setup a new database user, a new database (btw with mysql there are no dashes allowed in the name) and configure it.
    - configure both webstudio and webservice (properties inside the WEB-INF/classes directories) to use jdbc instead of rmi etc.
    - one little thing I got tricked was the username/password config in, either keep the password plain text or better encode it with the key (if you don't encode, simply an empty value for the key: "repository.encode.decode.key = "

    Basically the lack of information is: i cannot simply use local filesystem for this, even though both webstudio and webservice is running on the same host. After that everything works great. :-)

    Thanks for the hint.

  • Thomai Lyka

    Thomai Lyka - 2019-05-28

    Hello eav,
    I am currently working openL tablets and I have the same issue with you. I have tried your solution but I still can't connect to the DB through the Web Service. I have the same message of 'There are no available services'.
    Could it be possible to provide more information about how you solved the problem?
    Can you also provide me with more details of:
    1. your file of Web Service
    2. what specifically you have added in the
    3. Are you running the webstudio and webservice on the same tomcat port?
    4. Have you made any changes in the openl-ruleservice-override-beans.xml and added any beans?



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