
ITP file format

  • Edward T. Smith

    Edward T. Smith - 2003-03-28

    Has anybody figured out what the "code" means in the first array of values in the ITP file format?  (This is the first array just after the header).

    I never could figure out what in the world this could be.

    • Francois Guimond

      Marty and I are working it on...  we've noticed some patterns here, but it's too early to write a specific function for it.  Our latest discussion and cross examination through multiple files seems to point to have to do with the order of entities at the same abstraction level.

    • Rick Shafer

      Rick Shafer - 2003-03-31

      The key here (so to speak) is whether the values in this field constitute "information", and in particular if the NWN clients, server or tools use the values in any way.

      This is something that Bioware could answer, even if they don't tell us what that use is.

      Failing that, the experiment would be to modify said code fields and see if it impacts performance in any way.

      • Francois Guimond

        Well I've seen in the Repute.fac file that this information IS necessary (used to determine the ID of each faction).

        • Rick Shafer

          Rick Shafer - 2003-04-01

          Is this so, Eyrdan?
          I know that it is consistent with that, but is it required.  By that, I mean, the codes could be "coincidentally" the same as the ID, rather than *defining* the ID.

          A way to check?  Edit the codes and move them around and see what impact it has on the various factions.

          Did you do your experiment of a deleted faction, by the way?

          • Francois Guimond

            I haven't tried experimenting yet, been too busy with the move...  also now that I got myself the linux client I started playing it a bit again. :)

    • L. Adamson

      L. Adamson - 2003-04-29

      It appears to me that the code stays the same no matter what is changed, though I may not be looking in the right places.

      Can anyone confirm or deny this?

      Perhaps it is just used internally as a sanity check or something.  If that's the case I guess I'll just have to build a table of entry codes.  But that also means that a generic plist2itp function may not be possible unless the specific type of itp is passed...

      I'll fool around changing them and see what all breaks.  It sure would be nice if it's mostly useless.

      Has anyone asked bioware what the heck it is?

    • L. Adamson

      L. Adamson - 2003-04-29

      looks like the entry code on creature's equipment tells where the item is equipped:

      list    Equip_ItemList
              BEGIN ITEM 0
      # Code for entry 37: 0x2
                      resref  EquippedRes          "nw_aarcl008"
              BEGIN ITEM 1
      # Code for entry 38: 0x10
                      resref  EquippedRes          "nw_wswgs001"
      END list Equip_ItemList

    • L. Adamson

      L. Adamson - 2003-04-29

      Here are the entry codes I've extracted from my module.

      root entry always appears to be 0xffffffff

      Skill List: Always 0x0
      Feat List: Always 0x1
      Class List: Always 0x2
      Memorized sublist of class list: Always 0x3
      SpecAbilityList: always 0x04
      Equip List: depends on where equipped, more to come
      ItemList: increases by 1 for each item, starting at 0x0

      Dialog:  Seems to depend on linkage

      Tilelist: always 0x1

      placeablelist: always 0x9
      waypointlist: 0x5
      creaturelist: 0x4
      encounterlist: 0x0
      doorlist: 0x8

      Area Properties: 0x64
      Creature List: 0x4
      (other creature entry codes seem to match UTC)
      (except ItemList and Equip_ItemList: where the item is defined within the list)
      Door List: 0x8
      Waypoint List: 0x5
      Placeable List: 0x9
      itemlist sublist of placeable (inventory): 0x0, rest match UTI
      list List: 0x0 (wtf? appears to be items on the ground)
      triggerlist: 0x01
      triggerlist geometry sublist: 0x03

      PropertiesList: always 0x0

      creaturepalcus.itp: All 0x0 (except root of course)
      doorpalcus.itp: as above
      encounterpalcus.itp: as above
      itempalcus.itp: as above
      placeablepalcus.itp: as above
      aoundpalcus.itp: as above
      storepalcus.itp: as above
      triggerpalcus.itp: as above
      waypointpalcus.itp: as above

      mod_area_list: 0x6
      mod_hak_list: 0x8

      not sure.  seems to increase by 1 starting at 0x0 for both the Categories list and the EntryList sublist

    • L. Adamson

      L. Adamson - 2003-04-29

      so clearly from the above a generic plist2itp function may not be feasable.  I guess I can compare the list varname to a list of codes, which is what I suppose I will do for now, but doing that seems to lend some inflexibility to it...

      any other place it could be implemented?  perhaps storing the codes in the nwn_object, hence allowing the user to change them if he really really wanted to?

      mebbe I'll hack up some code to generate the above from every nwn resource on my disk...  That should be a good reference, as I'm sure I've missed some things.

    • L. Adamson

      L. Adamson - 2003-04-29

      Ok, I've extracted all the itp entry codes from the official campaign and sorted and compressed them into something useful.  Repute.fac and *.dlg are junk, but perhaps something can be learned from the rest of it.

    • L. Adamson

      L. Adamson - 2003-04-30

      This information has been added to OKDocs.  Along with plenty of Issues to puzzle over. :)

      • Francois Guimond

        Thanks, nice work.


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