
Hello and Anyone Interested In This?

  • Anil Purandare

    Anil Purandare - 2004-04-13

    Hi, I originally posted this on the OK forum on the BioWare site, but it looks like this place is where most of the active discussion happens, so here I am!

    I have written an AppleScript which backs up my chat logs and then launches NWN for me. I wonder if there would be any interest in my releasing this under OK or not. It's really not that fancy or complicated, so the fact that I haven't seen something like it floating around yet makes me wonder if there would be real interest. The other thing is it's Mac-only at this point (unless there's some way of porting AS to other platforms?).


    • Rick Shafer

      Rick Shafer - 2004-04-14

      Hey, *I* might be interested in this, and sure it would be worth looking at for OK.   But could you let me know a little more about what exactly it does?  For example, I'm not even sure what you mean by "chat logs"?  And why does launching NWN figure into it.

      There is no problem with it being Mac only, per se, though the nice thing about AS is that it is pretty human readable, so that it might expose information to others who might want to do something similar on the other platforms...

      Oh... and it is easier for me to see stuff in this forum, just because I have a monitor on it (and not much spare energy these days).

    • Anil Purandare

      Anil Purandare - 2004-04-14

      Well, the NWN client can save a log of the session using a setting (I think it's in nwnplayer.ini). Usually the bulk of this is player chat, which is why I called it that. The trouble is, this log gets overwritten each time NWN is launched, so if you want to save a copy, you have to remember to do this before you start NWN each time.

      By making this little AppleScript and using that everytime I want to launch the client, I don't have to worry about forgetting to back up the log file. At this point, the script only tries to work with the client log file (as opposed to the client error log or the server logs).

      In a nutshell, the script asks the user to find the client log file the first time it's run (it remembers the location for future use). If the file is new and non-empty, it makes a copy of the file in the same folder and prepends the modification date of the original to the name of the backup. It then asks the user to launch either the DM or player client application, and ends.

    • Anil Purandare

      Anil Purandare - 2004-04-20

      So, er, if I want to go ahead with this, what steps should I take? Assume I am a complete newbie to Sourceforge etc. I imagine I need permission from someone to upload something under the OpenKnights project? Who should I talk to?


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