
#52 Hakpak support broken in v1.2 (skills.2da problem)

Josh Seely

Tried out version 1.2 with no hak associated in the settings.
Worked fine. Associate a hak in the settings and I get an error
saying that skills.2da couldn't be found. Note that I am also using a
custom tlk file.

I haven't yet verified whether my hakpak has a corrupt file in it,
but at any rate the error is misleading at best. I'm wondering if its
somehow looking ONLY in the hakpak for skills.2da.


Bug Updated On: 2003-12-21 11:24:44 by Joel Martin (garad)
oops. Forgot to mention, I have SoU installed and am updated to


Bug Updated On: 2003-12-22 07:32:41 by Joel Martin (garad)
Bug's priority changed from 1 to 3
I've been fiddling around and can't seem to reproduce this now. I
am noticing that my custom tlk seems to be getting corrupted
somehow (maybe due to entries exceedign the maximum length?)
so this might have something to do with the behaviour I've seend?

Incidentally, I'm using the CCH to create my custom tlk, so if it is a
case of my entries exceeding the maximum length, maybe the CCH
should output a warning/error when this happens? I have v0.35 of
the CCH.


Bug Updated On: 2003-12-28 21:44:11 by Mike (shkuey)
Bug reassigned from shkuey (Mike) to halfelf (Halfelf) on Scripting
Assigning this to HE for the CC part.

Garad, send me the tka/tlk file you're using with the CCH, and
open an issue in that catagory.


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