
#48 if gender is "both", no portraits or warning msgs are given

Josh Seely

When selecting a portrait, gender is "both", no portraits show up.
It's defaulted to "Lock to Gender" & "Lock to Race". Would be nice
if there could be error checking, if no portraits are shown, it wont
default to "Lock to Gender".

I lowered the priority on this because it is something that was
discussed with Halfelf before the initial release. There were serious
issues with changing it, and it isnt major enough to delay re-


Bug Updated On: 2003-09-02 10:07:39 by Joel Martin (garad)
Bug's state changed from Open to In Progress
I'd like to suggest closing this as "Not a Defect". To me, we want to
default to Lock To Gender as the actual in-game Char Gen does. As
well, it seems reasonable that a selection of Gender=Both would
have no portraits when Lock To Gender is selected since there are
no asexual portraits.

whoops, guess this should be reassigned as well as I'm passing the
decision making responsibility on to you :) If you want me to come
up with a fix, just send it back.

As a very low priority, just have it turn off the lock to gender/race
if there are no portraits available.


Bug Updated On: 2003-10-09 01:16:35 by Halfelf (halfelf)
Here's the problem... Asexual portraits can be added, no one has
yet. Do we still want to have those buttons unclicked?


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