
OpenJMS 0.7.7-alpha-1 released

The OpenJMS team is pleased to announce the release of OpenJMS 0.7.7-alpha-1.

This represents the first alpha release of the OpenJMS 0.7.7 codebase,
and includes the following changes:

o support for version 1.1 of the JMS API.
o enhanced connectors: tcp, tcps, rmi, http, https, embedded
o new openjms-tunnel servlet for http/https support.
o embedded JNDI service now supports authentication
o bug fixes

To see a list of changes to OpenJMS, please refer to
the Changes Report:

We hope you enjoy using OpenJMS! If you have any questions, please consult:

o the FAQ:
o the openjms-user mailing list:

- The OpenJMS team

Posted by Tim Anderson 2005-06-17

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