
Open Internet Notification Tool / News: Recent posts


Add and remove buttons are there. I'll probably add a popup menu to the listbox that does the same thing... that would be nifty. No threads yet, all in good time. It will reload and re-update the sites its watching when you close the settings box, so new entries will be recognized immediately! Oh, did I mention this release actually works! nfw. - Teni

Posted by Aj 2004-03-10

Release 1.3

The long awaited settings screen has arrived! Doesn't let you add/remove entries, but it will soon enough :). The codebase saw a huge improvement this release, a lot of stale code was removed. Also started a move towards threaded operation for fetching rss feeds. This should help the GUI stay responsive.

- teni

Posted by Aj 2004-03-05

Release 1.2/Help wanted

Release 1.2 is out. Only one new major feature, the ability to clear alerts. This way you dont have to launch to a site if you've already seen the newest news or dont care about the update. Also Ive posted a help wanted request for the project. The code of the project is advancing, but the graphics are still stale and disgusting. So if youve got mad icon skillz, let me know.

- teni

Posted by Aj 2003-11-14

New release.

OpenINT v1.1 is out. Fixes a small bug where the interval time would be interpreted incorrectly.

- teni

Posted by Aj 2003-11-12

OpenINT homepage active!

Homepage is up. v1.0 is out, ready for your enjoyment. The new website answers some basic questions and is quite snazzy. It even integrates our live RSS feed into the news sidebar! Be sure to check it out, comments/suggestions are always welcome.

- teni

Posted by Aj 2003-11-12

Its safe to use now :)

With release 1.0 I think OpenINT is useable stand-alone. I still want to add a GUI for setup instead of the .ini file, but the files parameters are not hard to figure out. The ini file that is packaged has 3 host entries, openInt, PennyArcade, and Those should help early adopters to figure out how to set the program up. I'll have some decent documentation (and a homepage!) up soon.... read more

Posted by Aj 2003-11-10