
Open Innowhere Collection / News: Recent posts

LAMEOnJ 1.2 Added Decoding APIs

- Added object oriented APIs for decoding MP3 files to WAV/PCM.
- Moved classes up removing "com.innowhere" folders/package
- Moved encoding APIs to the package "encoder"
- Added LAMEOnJBoot, this class is now the root factory (LAMEOnJ is now an interface)
- Renamed:
LAMEOnJStd to LAMEOnJStdEncoder
LAMEOnJ.getLAMEOnJStd to getLAMEOnJStdEncoder
LameConfig to EncoderConfig
Encoder.getLameConfig to getEncoderConfig
- Reorganized packages of test classes.

Posted by Jose M. Arranz Santamaria 2008-09-02

LAMEOnJ 1.1 Added Solaris and Leopard support

- Updated JNIEasy to 1.2.1 : Mac OS X problems are fixed (runs on Tiger and Leopard) and added Solaris x86 support.

- OOP API (wrapping standard LAME methods) now supports mono WAV and PCM streams/files

- Changed method names:
Generic.initEncodingInterleaved =>
Generic.encodeBufferInterleaved =>
StreamEncoder.initEncodingInterleaved =>
StreamEncoder.encodeBufferInterleaved =>
StreamEncoder.encodeBuffer... read more

Posted by Jose M. Arranz Santamaria 2008-03-31

LAMEOnJ v1.0, Linux and MacOSX support

LAMEOnJ v1.0 released.

Changes and new features:

- Wrapped the standard LAME API v3.97 (lame_* methods). Now this is the preferred API.

- Moved BladeMP3Enc based API to com.innowhere.lame.blade.* and com.innowhere.lameonj.blade.*

- BladeMP3Enc object oriented API now uses LAMEOnJBlade as factory. Other minor API changes

- Added Linux and MacOS X support (standard LAME API). The standard API works with Windows (lame_enc.dll) too.... read more

Posted by Jose M. Arranz Santamaria 2008-01-18

LAMEOnJ v0.9 The LAME Java MP3 encoder API

LAMEOnJ v0.9 is the first public release of this Java 100% API based on the lame_enc.dll, the LAME MP3 encoder Windows library.

This API is absolutely symmetric to the DLL exported API.

An Object Oriented API is defined too.

LAMEOnJ uses JNIEasy ( to bridge Java and native DLL.

Posted by Jose M. Arranz Santamaria 2006-05-23