

  • spamrefuse

    spamrefuse - 2017-09-05


    Too many errors and problems in the tutorial sessions can become a showstopper for using OpenImaj for serous work.

    1. Fix and update the Getting started with maven section: although the tutorial claims to work with maven versions 2.X and 3.X, the given commands fail to work with maven 3.X.

    2. In the next chapters the modifications to the existing code only work after the appropriate java imports are added, but the tutorial does it explain how to find this in the OpenImaj documentation.


  • Jonathon Hare

    Jonathon Hare - 2017-09-07

    OpenIMAJ has supported both Maven 2 and Maven 3 since the first release in 2011. The problem you ran into was with version 3 of the Maven archetype plugin which was released in the past few months. The tutorial has now been updated with new instructions that will work with both 2.x and 3.x versions of the archetype plugin (and both maven 2 & 3), and will reduce errors from the wrong archetype being selected (at the expensive of a longer command):
    I've also added updated instructions for importing projects into Eclipse using the m2eclipse plugin (which is typically bundled with Eclipse) & is somewhat simpler to use.

    Regarding the imports, it is assumed that people using OpenIMAJ will already have Java experience & will thus know they need to add the imports. I've added a note to the tutorial to make this explicit & point out that the way to fastest way to achieve this is to just let your IDE suggest and insert the appropriate imports (e.g. in Eclipse you would start typing the method name and then hit ctrl-space to autocomplete the class name and automatically add the import).



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