
Tree [9318c4] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 backupFiles 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [9b34b7] MySqlBogart v1.2a
 lib 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [c80afa] MySqlBogart v1.2
 release 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [16f6a3] added release folder
 screenshots 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [c80afa] MySqlBogart v1.2
 .project 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [c80afa] MySqlBogart v1.2
 CHANGELOG.txt 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [c80afa] MySqlBogart v1.2
 README.txt 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [c80afa] MySqlBogart v1.2
 config.php 2012-07-12 tswaehn tswaehn [9318c4] mod: changed default users/pwd
 index.php 2010-01-02 tswaehn tswaehn [c80afa] MySqlBogart v1.2

Read Me

    The MySqlBogart README 

Welcome to MySqlBogart

MySqlBogart does backups and restores MySql-Databases: 
- It keeps track of 'views' and its dependencies.
- It uses only SQL-Syntax (no mysqldump)! 
- It is totally compatible to most mysql-webservices

What makes MySqlBogart so special?

a)	Most backup/restore tools use 'mysqldump' which is a
	shell command. On most webservers the execution of shell
	commands is blocked/forbidden. 
	MySqlBogart doesn't need shell commands at all!

b) 	Most backup/restore tools are able to get tables and
	its contents. Only some are able to backup 'views'.
	'Views' are important to advanced applications.
	However 'views' depend on other 'views' or 'tables' and
	so need to be backed up and restored in a special order.
	MySqlBogard analyzes the creation-order of 'views' and
	generates the correct restore file!


1. copy and extract all files into your webserver-folder

2. edit the file 'config.php' to suit it to your needs

3. run ''

4. done

Need Help?

meet me at ( )