
Mail configuration

Sebastian Reitenbach

Mail Configuration

OpenGroupware is not a stand-alone mail solution; it uses the standard and pervasive IMAP & SMTP protocols to inter-operate with existing mail infrastructure. This enables the use of previously existing mail solutions. If no electronic mail solution exists one must be deployed in order to have a fully functional OpenGroupware installation. For the mail store Cyrus IMAPd is strongly recommended, this is the mail server most completely tested with OpenGroupware and it provides a robust feature set as well as extreme scalability. For SMTP (mail delivery) and of the current MTAs (Mail Transport Agents) is adequate.

Configuring The IMAP Connection

The defaults “imap_host” and “imap_port” specify the default IMAP host and port. Setting these in conjunction will the “UseSkyrixLoginForImap” default will prevent user's from being prompted to sign on the IMAP server. If “UseSkyrixLoginForImap” is set to “YES” then OpenGroupware will use the user's credentials to connect to the IMAP server, if “UseSkyrixLoginForImap” is not set or set to a value of “NO” users will be prompted for their user name and password. If prompted for a username and password user's will be able to change the IMAP hostname and password unless the default “imap_host_editable” is set to a value of “NO”.

In short, sites with a unified login scheme and centralized IMAP server will want to set “imap_host”, “imap_port”, “UseSkyrixLoginForImap” to “YES”, and “imap_host_editable” to “NO”. Sites where logins are not unified should set “UseSkyrixLoginForImap” to “NO”.

It is important to note that the OpenGroupware IMAP does not support SSL or TLS. If your IMAP connection traverses an untrusted network you must take external measures to protect the connection.

If your IMAP server supports server side sorting, then you want to set the default EnableSSSortingForStringAttributes to YES to speed up searches and the mail web interface.

In case of troubleshooting, you may set the default OGoImapMailsDebugOn to YES, in order to see IMAP debug information in the logs.

Cyrus IMAPd

For information on Cyrus IMAPd, the preferred mail store server for OpenGroupware, see the chapter “Cyrus IMAPd”.

Other IMAP Servers

Any other IMAP server, e.g. Dovecot, should also do. Its just not that well tested from the developers.

Mail transport

For sending mail OpenGroupware simply uses the MTA installed on the machine; therefore the local MTA must be properly configured according to site requirements, which is completely an MTA related issue. OpenGroupware attempts to invoke the local MTA via the “/usr/lib/sendmail” command so an appropriate link to you MTA's binary must be provided; this is quite standard and handled by almost all MTA packages. You can test for the presence of this link using the “file” utility:

$ file /usr/lib/sendmail
/usr/lib/sendmail: symbolic link to `../sbin/sendmail'

This indicates that “/usr/lib/sendmail” is a link to “/usr/sbin/sendmail”. So long as the link exists, the link points to the MTA binary, and the MTA is configured OpenGroupware should be able to send mail.

Since OpenGroupware communicates with the local MTA via a pipe there is no need for encryption. Currently OpenGroupware does not support authenticated SMTP.

In case the sendmail binary is not available in any of the pathes in the PATH environment variable, you can set the "WOSendMail" default to point to it.

In case of troubleshooting, you may set the "LSWMailLogEnabled" default to YES to get some
debug output in the log file.

To restrict the maximum attachment size, you can set the "MaxMailAttachmentsSize" default.


For information on Postfix, the predominate MTA for Linux distributions, is completely compatible with OpenGroupware and Cyrus IMAPd. Due to the prevelence of Postfix there is an entire chapter related to integrating Postfix with Cyrus IMAPd and OpenGroupware; see the “Postfix” chapter.


Sendmail is probably the second most common MTA and is completely compatible with OpenGroupware and Cyrus IMAPd. For documentation relating to your version of sendmail see the sendmail website.

Web Interface



SkyMailCheckInterval determines how frequently the web mail interface will check for new mail. The value is in seconds with a default of 120 (2 minutes). Very busy sites, or sites with a remote IMAP server, may wish to increase this value.

  • DeleteImapFolderImmediately (NO)
  • MailEditor_TextFieldSize (80)
  • UseCCForMultipleAddressSearch
  • BodyStructureInViewerBoundary (5000)
  • ShowBodySize(100000)
  • CreateMailDownloadFileNamesDisable
  • EnableSieveFilter / DisableSieveFilter
  • EnableSieveVacation / DisableSieveVacation
  • ShowVacationPanel
  • DisableMailQuotaInformation
  • MaxMailAttachmentsSize
  • UseMailingListManager
  • mail_editor_type “internal” / “external”
  • mail_send_type “plain”
  • cyrus_sieve_port
  • cyrus_sieve_temp_path
  • DisableEpozEditor
  • mail_simplesearch_include_teams (NO)
  • mail_simplesearch_include_email1 (NO)
  • mail_search_for_atstrings (NO)
  • mail_printviewer_headers (subject, from, to, date )