
General configuration

Sebastian Reitenbach

OGo General configuration

Below are some general configurtion parametes given that you should configure in the NSGlobalDomain since most of them are used by all daemons.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSNewsImagesUrl /NewsImages
defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSNewsImagesPath /srv/www/htdocs/NewsImages
defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAttachmentPath /var/opengroupware/documents
defaults write NSGlobalDomain WOMessageUseUTF8 YES
defaults write NSGlobalDomain WOParsersUseUTF8 YES
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NGUseUTF8AsURLEncoding YES
defaults write NSGlobalDomain zip /usr/local/bin/zip
defaults write NSGlobalDomain unzip /usr/local/bin/unzip
defaults write NSGlobalDomain tar /usr/local/bin/gtar
defaults write NSGlobalDomain zipinfo /usr/local/bin/zipinfo
  • LSNewsImagesUrl: The path on the web server, where the images uploaded to the news section will be available
  • LSNewsImagesPath: The corresponding path on the filesystem where the images get stored
  • LSAttachmentPath: the path in the filesystem where OGo will store the users configurations, uploaded documents and more
  • WOMessageUseUTF8, WOParsersUseUTF8, NGUseUTF8AsURLEncoding: those you should just set to YES when you have a need to enter Umlauts or accented characters in the web interface or as the login password
  • zip, unzip, tar, zipinfo: if those tools are not found along paths specified in the PATH environment variable, you should give OGo a hint with those defaults where to find them

Logging, PID file, communication port

The following parameters are daemon specific. Therefore they have to be specified for each daemon separately.

defaults write ogo-webui WOPidFile /var/opengroupware/
defaults write ogo-webui WOLogFile /var/log/opengroupware/ogo-webui.log
defaults write ogo-webui WOPort 20000
defaults write ogo-zidestore WOPidFile /var/opengroupware/
defaults write ogo-zidestore WOLogFile /var/log/opengroupware/ogo-zidestore.log
defaults write ogo-zidestore WOPort 21000
defaults write ogo-xmlrpcd WOLogFile /var/log/opengroupware/ogo-xmlrpcd.log
defaults write ogo-xmlrpcd WOPidFile /var/opengroupware/
defaults write ogo-xmlrpcd WOPort 22000
  • WOPidFile: the location where the daemon stores its PID file
  • WOLogFile: the location where the daemon stores its log file
  • WOPort: the port used where apache communicates with the daemon. Should match the port configured in Apache