

FAQ (1)
Sebastian Reitenbach

Frequently asked questions

How can I apply additional security to the session log table?

One way to make the session log more secure is to apply PostgreSQL rules preventing records from being changed or records from being deleted until they reach a certain age. Using rules can limit the OpenGroupware service to only inserting new records into the table; someone compromising the account will only be able to create new records and not modify the contents of the table.

“ Could not execute command view for types” Error

After updating or migrating OpenGroupware, attempting to access a project may produce the following error:
Could not execute command view for types: <NGMimeType: eo-gid/project>
This indicates you are missing the appropriate storage backend, either the filesystem backend or the database backend. This is most likely a failure of your package manager; simply install the missing package and the projects of the type producing the error will work normally again. Most installations should have two packages for project backend: “ogo-docapi-fs-project” & “ogo-docapi-db-project”

If I change a WOD or WOX file do I need to recompile the respective applications?

No, changes to a WOD or WOX file are effective as soon as the service is restarted.