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OpenGF v1.0 RC1

Reminder: OpenGF is an open source game that will help you learning music reading while having fun.

Almost 10 months after the last release, I found some time to make a new release of OpenGF. This one is now completely free, since I decided to use sdl_mixer instead of IrrKlang.

v1.0 RC1 : 01/11/2009
- The note generator won't generate twice the same note
- Removed IrrKlang and added SDL_mixer instead
- Added some details to the help file
- Created translated help files... read more

Posted by Piwai 2009-01-12

OpenGF beta 0.2.1 is out !

The beta is now ready for public release, we are not on alpha anymore.

You can safely download OpenGF, try it, play with it and learn music reading. Please do not hesitate to give any feedback !

Linux users, you still have to compile it using the "make" command.

Any help in making .rpm and .deb packages (or anything else) will be really appreciated.

Thanks for downloading OpenGF !

Posted by Piwai 2008-04-14

OpenGF on SourceForge !

OpenGF will now be released on SourceForge !

OpenGF is an open source game to learn music and have fun at the same time. It is currently on alpha version, and a beta release will be ready soon.

It is multi platform, written in C++, and uses SDL and irrKlang libraries.

Do not hesitate to post any comment (queries, bugs, anything !)

Thanks for downloading OpenGF !

Posted by Piwai 2008-03-23