
Open GameBoy Games / News: Recent posts

The Open GB Games Project Releases Full Version of New Game

Exactly as planned, the full version of the game, "The Nomad II: Trapped", was released today.

The Nomad II: Trapped is a fully playable, finished, and polished GPL game for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance. It runs well in most GBA emulators.

Now, with all of the files released, you can edit the source and come up with your own OpenMAZE Advance! based game, or, if you prefer, just play all of the full version levels. :)... read more

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2003-06-05

Open Game Boy Games Project FDLs Docs

All of our major documentation has been re-released under the GNU FDL.

This includes, specifically, the 40 page instruction manual for "The Nomad II: Trapped", our newest Game Boy Advance Game.

The 'transparent' source code for the docs is all XML Docbook, sutible for rendition to TXT, HTML, HTMLCHUNKS, PS, and PDF.

Enjoy, and happy coding.

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2003-03-13

Open GameBoy Game Project releases Bindump Im/Ex Suite

We have released our Bindump Import/Export Suite of TileMax plugins, along with a map manipulation tool, which does simple map shifting.

This suite of tools was written out of necessity during development of "The Nomad II: Trapped", and is released for anyone who needs basic binary importing/exporting functionality in TileMax.

This suite includes the first public map importer for TileMax.

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2003-03-11

OpenGBGames Releases a new Game Boy Advance Game

We at the Open Game Boy Games Project have released a demo of our game "The Nomad II: Trapped".

It is a adventure, puzzle, action game for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance. It runs great on most emulators, however, so it can be played by anyone with a computer and a popular operating system. (It has run successfully on Linux, MacOS X, and Win32)

The demo is fully playable, and features half of the 40 levels that will be in the final version. The final version will be released, along with source, in June 2003.... read more

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2003-03-09

The Open GameBoy Games project is not dead!

The Open GameBoy Games project is not dead! LONG LIVE OPENSOURCE!!!!!

My computer hardware failed, so I lost all my source code. Somebody reset my counter while I was away. But I will continue to work with this project. (Perhaps slowly. Check the web site.)

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2001-10-30

OpenMAZE v2.0 released by The Open GameBoy Game Project!!

The Open GameBoy Game Project is dedicated to writing fun, OpenSource, GameBoy games. Right now, we've been working on our flagship title OpenMAZE, a game in which the player is trapped deep in the earth, and must navigate through a huge labyrinth, climbing up from level to level until you emerge at the surface. Well now OpenMAZE version 2.0 was finally released 8-13-01!

With 6 levels, 50 different rooms, new graphics, and a better user interface, this version is certainly the best yet!... read more

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2001-08-13

The Open GameBoy Games Project releases OpenMAZE v1.5!!!

OpenMAZE 1.5 was just released, now fully compatible
with the gameboy color, and two more levels. Truly

OpenMAZE is a simple, but extremely addicting
underground labyrinth game divided into levels
that you must climb into, eventually climbing
out onto the surface.

for more info.

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2001-07-23

Open GameBoy Games' OpenMAZE released!!!

Open GameBoy Games' mission has been to make
OpenSource GameBoy games. Now I've done it!
Finally, I've released OpenMAZE version 1.0.

Visit the website for more information.

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2001-07-12

Sprite Demo Released!!

I released a copy of my old sprite demo today. I think I messed it up though. Be sure to check out the release notes.

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2001-07-10

Open GameBoy Games website up!

I finally got the website up!
Check it out!

Posted by Alex Markley (mAleX) 2001-07-09