
New book devotes entire chapter to OpenForecast

A new book by Teo Lachev has just been released by Manning Publications ( Titled, "Microsoft Reporting Services in Action", the book described the Microsoft .NET Reporting Services. Chapter 6 is available for free preview at and makes extensive use of OpenForecast.

Even if you're not using Visual J# and Microsoft .NET, you may still find the chapter on OpenForecast and reporting to be very helpful in your development.

Now, you might think why is a Java library featured in a book on Microsoft .NET. The cool thing is the way Teo was able to import the OpenForecast source code into Visual J#, then package it as a .NET component. Don't contact me for details on this - just see how he did it in the preview chapter.

Thanks to Teo's help earlier in 2004, I made some minor changes to the OpenForecast source code enabling easier migration to Visual J# for those that may need to do this.

Posted by Steven Gould 2004-08-09

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